Mandatory Installation of Microchips for Dogs and Cats

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Page ID 1005221 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Microchip Registration System for Dogs and Cats

Starting from June 1, 2022, it will be mandatory to attach microchips to dogs and cats sold by breeders and pet shops.
Dogs and cats purchased from breeders and pet shops will have microchips attached, so it will be necessary for owners to change the microchip information through "Change Registration."
Additionally, if a dog or cat that does not have a microchip is newly fitted with one at an animal hospital, it will be necessary to register the owner's information for the microchip.
Furthermore, those who already own dogs or cats are encouraged to have microchips attached as much as possible.
Dogs with microchips will be considered as having a rabies vaccination tag.
For more details about the microchip registration system for dogs and cats, please visit the Inagi City Website of the Ministry of the Environment below.

Necessary procedures for dog owners

Dogs with microchips

If you have recently adopted a dog with a microchip

Register microchip information with the Japan Veterinary Medical Association through web application or paper application. For web application, please proceed from the link below "Dog and Cat Microchip Information Registration Transition Registration Reception Site to the Ministry of the Environment Database." For paper application, please contact the Japan Veterinary Medical Association by phone (phone number 03-6384-5320). Please note that the registration fee is 300 yen for web application and 1,000 yen for paper application.

When a new microchip is attached to a pet dog

Prepare the "Microchip Installation Certificate" issued by a veterinarian and register the microchip information. For web applications, please proceed through the link below to the "Dog and Cat Microchip Information Registration Transition Registration Reception Site" of the Ministry of the Environment. For paper applications, please contact the Japan Veterinary Medical Association by phone (phone number 03-6384-5320). Please note that the registration fee is 300 yen for web applications and 1,000 yen for paper applications.

Dogs without microchips

It is necessary to register your dog with the city.
Dog owners must register their dog within 30 days from the date they start keeping the dog.
Additionally, those who start keeping a dog that is less than 90 days old must register the dog within 30 days from the date the dog turns 90 days old.
Please attach the dog tag issued at the time of registration to your dog. It serves as proof of registration and also functions as a lost pet tag.
If you have not completed the registration, please register at the Health Center or the Hirao/Wakabadai Branch Office.

Information on Moving In and Out

Dogs that have completed microchip registration do not need to notify the city of moving in or out, but it is necessary to notify the Ministry of the Environment or designated registration organizations of the change. Therefore, please access the URL below and proceed with the change of the dog's location, etc.
Note: Please prepare the registration certificate.

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Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City
112-1 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0804 (Inside Inagi City Health Center)
Phone number: 042-378-3421 Fax number: 042-377-4944
Contact the Welfare Department Health Division, Inagi City