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Voluntary membership system

Last updated: April 1, 2023

Voluntary enrollment from age 60

The period of participation in the National Pension is between the ages of 20 and 60.
However, if you do not meet the 10-year eligibility period even after reaching the age of 60, or if you want to increase your pension amount even a little (you cannot exceed the full amount), you can enroll until the age of 65.
As a general rule, payment of insurance premiums for those aged 60 and over will be made by bank transfer from a savings account.

Exceptions for Voluntary Enrollment

Those born on or before April 1, 1965 who do not meet the pension eligibility period even after reaching the age of 65 can enroll voluntarily until they reach the age of 70 until the eligibility period is met.

Voluntary enrollment for those who move abroad

Japanese nationals between the ages of 20 and under 65 can voluntarily enroll in the National Pension even if they move abroad.
Those who join voluntarily will have their relatives in Japan, such as parents and siblings, act as domestic cooperators, and have them carry out the necessary procedures on their behalf.
If you do not have a domestic collaborator, please apply directly to the pension office that has jurisdiction over your last address in Japan.


Voluntary subscribers are not eligible for the Special Payment System for Students or the Premium Exemption System.

Contact Information

Fuchu Pension Office Zip Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2, Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi
Telephone 042-361-1011

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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Inagi City official character Inagi Shinanosuke
2111 Higashinagumanuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Opening hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C)K.Okawara・Jet Inoue. All rights reserved.
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