Business Waste Disposal Methods

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Page ID 1005128 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Business Waste

All waste generated from business establishments (such as offices and stores) is classified as "business waste."
Business waste must be processed and disposed of under the responsibility of the business operators, but in cases of small amounts where self-processing or contractor agreements are not possible, the city will collect it for a fee.

The city only collects general waste.
General waste refers to "paper, lunch leftovers, tea leaves, cans and bottles such as juice, receipts, newspapers and magazines, and others."
Furniture and electrical appliances used in offices cannot be collected.

Industrial waste refers to materials (such as waste materials, waste oil, waste plastics, and others) that are discharged as a result of business activities.
Please request collection and transportation services from Business Operators for industrial waste.

Illustration: How to Dispose of Business General Waste
Business General Waste Disposal Determination Flow

Disposal Methods for Business Waste (General Waste)

Please dispose of it using one of the following methods (1) to (3).

(1) Self-processing at the business location

This refers to cases where self-treatment is conducted at treatment facilities owned by the business.

(2) Request collection from the city

If it is general waste and weighs 15 kilograms (3 bags of 45 liters) or less per collection, you can request collection from the city.
The days for waste disposal are the same as for household waste (please put it out by 8 AM on the day. Time specifications are not possible.)

  • Note 1: Please dispose of combustible waste, non-combustible waste, and plastic waste using the city's designated collection bags.
    • Business-designated collection bags: Combustible (light blue): Set of 5 for 1,450 yen
    • Business-designated collection bags: Non-combustible (brown): Set of 5 for 1,450 yen
    • Business-designated collection bags: For plastic (orange color): Set of 5 for 725 yen
  • Note 2: Resource waste can be disposed of for free, limited to items used in the office.
  • Note 3: Items such as furniture, electrical appliances, and oversized garbage cannot be collected, even if they were used in the office. Please request a Business Operator.

Please check the application form for the request to start the collection of business general waste at the link below.

(3) Request a collection and transportation contractor

This is a method for business operators to directly contract with collection and transportation operators authorized by the city when items cannot be submitted for city collection.
The following types of business operators are applicable.
In this case, the city's designated collection bags are not required.

  • Businesses that exceed 15 kilograms (3 bags of 45-liter bags) of waste per collection
  • Businesses with a small amount of waste, but whose collection schedule and times do not match the city's
  • Note 1: Please confirm the collection date and fees with the collection and transportation contractor, and contract directly.
  • Note 2: The collection of general waste within Inagi City is limited to licensed contractors by law. You cannot request collection from other contractors.

Licensed Waste Collection and Transportation Operators in Inagi City

The items handled vary by vendor.
Vendor Name Phone Number
Act Air Co., Ltd. 046-280-1112
Public Interest Incorporated Association Inagi City Senior Employment Center 042-377-2212
Eco Cycle Co., Ltd. 042-533-2471
Endo Trading Co., Ltd. 049-266-9437
Kato Shoji Co., Ltd. 03-3480-5111
Sagamihara Paper Industry Co., Ltd. 042-773-3508
Sanryo Trading Co., Ltd. 042-726-2647
Shiga Kogyo Co., Ltd. 042-247-1414
Shibaken Co., Ltd. 042-331-2074
Taisei Sangyo Co., Ltd. 03-3989-0098
Tanabe Shoten Co., Ltd. 042-520-0075
Tama Kōun Co., Ltd. 042-374-2415
Chofu Cleaning Co., Ltd. 042-485-1166
Toho Clean Co., Ltd. 0800-800-329
Nakagawa Sangyo Co., Ltd. 042-529-3491
Nihon Hōi Eisei Co., Ltd. 03-3351-9234
Furukawa Shinko Co., Ltd. 042-365-2231
PeX Corporation 042-378-2121
Miyama Store, Limited 042-558-1801
Yomiuri Support and Service Co., Ltd. 044-955-7156

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Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division