Health exercises using the Inagi City song
Created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Inagi City, this "City Song" is utilized to widely promote the acquisition of healthy habits among citizens and to spread awareness of nursing care prevention.
The content includes stretching exercises and rhythmic exercises.
For details about the "City Song", please refer to the following link.
Stretch Exercise - Performance Version
The music used in this video is the disaster prevention radio song that plays in the city during the evening.
The performance is by "iMUSICA", which is associated with Inagi City.
This was created with the hope that stretching to this song will provide a sense of comfort and encourage some exercise.
There are two types for upper and lower limbs, so how about practicing this exercise alternately every day when this song plays in the evening?
Upper Limb Stretch
Lower Limb Stretch
Rhythmic Gymnastics Song Version
This is an aerobic exercise that moves rhythmically to music.
It aims to alleviate lack of exercise, improve cardiovascular function, and activate the brain.
In addition to basic movements, it incorporates the image of Inagi, rich in nature, with the Tamagawa River, the flow of the wind, and trees spreading their roots and growing from the earth.
This is a playlist for health exercises with the Inagi City song.
In addition to the above exercises, there are also exercise videos included without explanations. If you do not need explanations, please make use of those as well.
About the gymnastics published
The i Club was established and operates as a sports club where anyone from Inagi City, from toddlers to Older Adults, and from beginners to advanced participants, can engage in activities at any time according to their age, interests, concerns, and skill levels.
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division