Application Form for Boundary Confirmation of Roads and Waterways

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Page ID 1002949 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 5

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Boundary determination refers to clarifying the official and private boundaries of land adjacent to city-owned land managed by Inagi City, such as roads and waterways.
If you wish to apply for boundary determination, the application can be made by the person registered as the landowner in the land registry. However, in the following cases, the applicant shall be the person specified in each respective item.

  1. If the land being applied for is common land, it will be with all co-owners.
  2. In the case where the landowner is a corporation and that corporation has been dissolved or declared bankrupt, it shall be the liquidator or trustee, and in the case of special corporations, it shall be according to the provisions of laws, articles of incorporation, or donation acts.
  3. If the landowner is deceased, all heirs will be considered. However, if the heirs are specified in a will or similar document, those heirs will be considered.
  4. If the landowner requires a legal representative (such as a guardian, adult guardian, assistant, or supporter), please attach a document confirming the legal representative's status, have the landowner sign it, and have the legal representative also sign and seal it when submitting the application.
  5. If the land being applied for is registered as trust property, the application must be made jointly by both the trustor and the trustee. However, if a beneficiary has been established, the application must be made jointly by the trustee and the beneficiary, and if there are special provisions in the trust register, the application must be made in accordance with those provisions.
  6. If the land you are applying for is under seizure, please attach a letter of consent from the creditor with your application.

Practical Handler

Applicants may appoint a practical operator to handle the procedures related to boundary determination.
A practical operator is not only someone who acts on behalf of the applicant for the application procedures to Inagi City, but also someone who undertakes practical tasks such as on-site surveys, measurements, and the creation of land boundary maps as entrusted by the applicant. (Examples include land and house surveyors, surveyors, and surveyor assistants, etc.)

Process until Boundary Confirmation

  1. Application for Boundary Confirmation
  2. On-site Attendance
  3. Submission of Confirmation Document, Creation of Boundary Diagram
  4. Determination of Boundaries
  5. Boundary Marking

Note: After the Application Form is accepted, a "site visit" must be conducted within 3 months, after which a confirmation document and boundary diagram must be submitted.

Application for Boundary Confirmation

If boundary determination is necessary, please fill out the required information on the Application Form, attach the documents below, and submit them to the city.

Application Form

Power of Attorney

If you are applying on behalf of the landowner, please attach it.

Guide Map

Seal Certificate

Please attach documents issued within 3 months from the date of issue.

Certificate of Qualification (for Corporations)

Please attach documents issued within 3 months from the date of issue.

Documents Certifying Inheritance

In the case of an application by an heir, please create a diagram explaining the inheritance relationship, fill in the date of creation and the name of the creator, affix the creator's seal, and attach it to the Application Form. All heirs should apply together.

Landowner Registration

Please investigate the land registry and fill in the details regarding the land on the opposite side, which is adjacent to the application site (location) and the city-owned land managed by Inagi City (within the range of the three houses on the opposite side and both neighbors).

Copy of the Land Registry

Please attach a copy of the map provided by the Legal Affairs Bureau (Registry Office) (hereinafter referred to as the "public map") to the Application Form. The public map is necessary for boundary confirmation, so please make a precise and extensive copy, and fill in and stamp the names of adjacent landowners (within the range of the three neighboring properties), location, scale, orientation, name of the Legal Affairs Bureau (Registry Office), date of survey, and name of the surveyor.
Additionally, please indicate the application area in red, and if there is a reference land boundary map nearby, attach a land boundary map showing that area in blue.

Current Measured Floor Plan

Please create an accurate measured drawing (with a standard scale of 1/250) that clearly shows the shape of the application site and its surroundings, including roads, waterways, boundary markers (such as stone markers), fences, and buildings. Indicate the topography and features of the land.
Additionally, if there are reference boundary maps for neighboring properties, please illustrate those boundary points. Also, be sure to include the location, scale, orientation, date of measurement, and the name of the surveyor, and affix a seal.

Land Registry Copy or Full Certificate of Matters (Land)

Please attach a copy of the land registry certificate or the full item certificate (land) issued within the last 3 months to the Application Form. If the address listed in the land registry certificate differs from your current address, please attach documents that can confirm the history of your address change with a public certificate to the Application Form.
Additionally, if the rights related to the Application Form are complex, please bring a document that can confirm your capacity as the applicant at that time.

Other Reference Materials

Please attach the old cadastral maps, land measurement diagrams, etc. as necessary.

Available Procedure Dates

Open on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

On-site Confirmation

The applicant and the city will conduct an on-site meeting to confirm the boundary location.
Based on this confirmation, please proceed with the "creation of the boundary map".

Submission of Confirmation Document

Once the on-site confirmation is completed, the boundaries will be confirmed by submitting a confirmation document with the attached land boundary map.
Please ensure that the attached land boundary map is stamped.
Note: The confirmation document is required for all applicants and adjacent landowners.

Boundary Marking

Once the boundary determination is complete, please mark the boundary.
Boundary stones and the like will be provided by Inagi City, so please submit the "Request for Provision of Inagi City Boundary Markers."
Once the boundary marking is complete, please submit the "Report on the Installation Locations of Inagi City Boundary Markers."

Application Form

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Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division