Road Occupation
Roads are primarily intended for the free passage of the public, but facilities such as water and sewage pipes, gas pipes, utility poles, and power lines are also installed for lifeline purposes.
Road occupation refers to the installation of certain objects or facilities above, below, or on the surface of the road for purposes other than passage, and requires permission from the road administrator.
When occupying roads managed by the city under the Road Act, permission must be obtained from the Mayor of Inagi City, who is the road administrator for city roads. For example, scaffolding or temporary enclosures for construction are also included. Occupation that significantly hinders the primary purpose of the road, which is passage, or occupation for the profit of specific individuals is not permitted.
In addition, an occupation fee based on the "Inagi City Road Occupation Fee Collection Ordinance" will be collected at the time of occupation.
Creation of Road Occupancy Permit Application Form
Application Form
Word and Excel format
- Road Occupancy Permit (Excel 69.4KB)
- Occupancy Property Breakdown (Word 38.0KB)
- Application Form for Exemption of Road Occupation Fee (Word 13.1KB)
PDF format
- Road Occupancy Permit Application Form (PDF 167.8KB)
- Breakdown of Occupied Properties (PDF 76.3KB)
- Application Form for Exemption from Road Occupation Fee (PDF 64.6KB)
Points to Note When Submitting
Please check the "Points to Note When Submitting the Road Occupation Permit Application Form" and the "Procedure Flow for Scaffolding, etc." for the number of copies to be submitted.
Points to Note When Submitting the Road Occupation Permit Application Form (PDF 169.3KB)
Procedure for Scaffolding and Other Processes (PDF 66.0KB)
Standard Processing Period for Road Occupancy Permits
Standard Processing Period
8 day
Points to Note When Carrying Out Occupation Work
- Ensure that general traffic is not obstructed. Note: If a road is closed, a safe detour that anyone can use must be secured.
- Ensure the safety of passage. Especially in the case of school routes, consider the safety of children.
- If the road is excavated, restoration must be carried out on the same day. Note: This also applies to the boundary lines.
- Submission of Construction Start Notification
Please submit the "Construction Start Notification" before starting the work.
- Road Restoration Attendance
If the road is excavated, we ask that you also prepare the affected area during the restoration, so please be sure to attend with the city and confirm the affected area. - Report of Construction Completion
Please submit the "Construction Completion Notification" once the construction is completed.
Extension of Construction Period
If there are unavoidable circumstances that require an extension of the construction period, please carry out the procedures for extending the construction period in advance.
- Notification of Extension of Construction Period Due to Road Occupation (Word 13.1KB)
- Notification of Extension of Construction Period Due to Road Occupation (PDF 67.7KB)
Procedure for Withdrawal
If you have received permission for road occupancy but have stopped occupying it before starting construction, please proceed with the withdrawal procedure.
- Application for Withdrawal of Road Occupancy Permit (Word 15.9KB)
- Application for Withdrawal of Road Occupancy Permit (PDF 63.0KB)
Procedure for Removing Occupied Properties
When removing occupied objects and restoring the road to its original condition, please carry out the procedures for obtaining approval for road occupancy object removal work in advance.
- Application Form for Approval of Road Occupation Object Removal Work (Excel 30.2KB)
- Application Form for Approval of Road Occupation Object Removal Work (PDF 112.7KB)
Available Procedure Dates
Open on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division