Application for Road Construction at Own Expense

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Page ID 1002945 Update Date February 5, 2025

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If you want to make changes to the structures of roads managed by the city, such as creating new access (curb cuts) or removing guardrails due to construction, you must obtain approval from the city and carry out the work at your own expense.
When applying for approval, please be sure to consult with the City Hall Management Division in advance about the details of the construction and the method of execution.

About the Procedure

1. Application Procedure Flow

  1. Pre-consultation: Consultation on the details of the construction and the construction methods
  2. Based on the prior consultation, submit three copies of the Road Self-Financed Construction Approval Application Form (hereinafter referred to as the Application Form) to the City Hall Management Division (3rd floor of the City Hall).
    (Within 10 business days)
  3. Return two copies after affixing the confirmation seal with conditions.
  4. Submit two returned Application Forms to the Traffic Regulation Section of the Tama Central Police Station.
    (It will take a few days)
  5. One copy of the application form with comments from the police station will be returned.
  6. Submit the original Application Form returned from the police station along with one copy to the Inagi City Hall Management Division again.
    (Within 5 business days)
  7. Issuance of Approval for Road Self-Funded Construction

2. Number of Application Forms Required

Part 3

3. Available Dates for Procedures

Open on weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

4. About the Procedure Period

Please submit the Application Form with the Opinion Statement from the police station attached, so we ask that you allow for extra time when applying, considering the number of days required for processing at the police station.

5. Submission Destination

2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Management Section, Department of Urban Development, Inagi City Hall (3rd floor of City Hall)

About Creating the Application Form

1. Application Form

Instructions for Filling Out the Application Form for Approval of Road Self-Financed Construction

  1. If the applicant is a corporation, please enter the location of the main office in the "Address" field, the name and the representative's name in the "Name" field, and the department and name of the contact person in the "Contact Person" field.
  2. In the "Construction Location" section, please include the land number, and if the construction location spans two or more land numbers, please specify the starting and ending points.
  3. Please enter the Inagi City road certification number, etc. in the "Route Name" field.
  4. Please specify the details in the "Purpose of Construction" section. Also, please mark either (temporary or permanent) with a circle.
  5. Please specify the details of the construction work, including the type and quantity, in the "Construction Details" section.
  6. In the "Construction Period" section, please specify the duration of the construction work.
  7. In the "Construction Time" section, please specify the time when the construction will be carried out.
  8. In the "Business Operators" section, please fill in the address, name, contact information, and person in charge of the contractor who will actually carry out the work.

Please provide a contact method that can be reached even in emergencies.

2. Attached Documents

  1. Guide Map (Indicating Application Location)
  2. Floor Plan Current Measurement Diagram (Illustrating Application Location and Boundaries)
  3. Structural Diagram: A description of the structure of a work, object, or facility.
  4. Current status photo of the application location (must be attached)
  5. Other Topics

Description of the road restoration methods, etc.

Precautions When Carrying Out Construction Work

  • Construction work is generally permitted from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, and work on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and festival days is not allowed.
  • Ensure that general users are not obstructed. Note: If a road is closed, ensure that a safe detour is available for everyone.
  • Ensure the safety of passage. Especially in the case of school routes, take safety into consideration.
  • If the road is excavated, restoration must be carried out on the same day. Note: This also applies to the boundary lines.

Submission of documents related to construction work

Submission of Start Notification

Before starting construction, please submit the "Notification of Road Construction at Your Own Expense."

Road Restoration Inspection

If you excavate the road, please ensure that you conduct a site inspection with the city during the restoration process and confirm the affected area.

Report of Construction Completion

Please submit the "Road Self-Funded Construction Completion Notification" once the construction is completed.

Extension of Construction Period

If there are unavoidable circumstances that require an extension of the construction period, please carry out the procedures for extending the construction period in advance.

Procedure for Withdrawal

If you have received approval for road construction at your own expense but have subsequently stopped the work, please proceed with the withdrawal procedure.

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Management Division