We are implementing a layered support system development project.

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Page ID 1008900 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Towards a town where everyone can live with peace of mind (Aiming for a community of coexistence)

As the diversity of citizens' lifestyles progresses, the challenges and support needs that people face in their daily lives are becoming more complex, diverse, and serious, necessitating support tailored to each individual citizen.
The city has established the basic principle of "Community Development where everyone can live together in the community, healthily and with peace of mind," and will enhance the consultation support system to address concerns, promote mutual support in the community, and advance Community Development that protects individual dignity so that everyone can live safely in the community.

What is a Community Symbiosis Society?

This is a society where, beyond the traditional roles of 'supporters' and 'those being supported', each individual has a role to play in supporting one another across generations and attributes, creating a community where every resident can live with a sense of purpose.

Movement Towards a Community Symbiosis Society (Implementation of a Layered Support System Development Project)

The city has started five projects, including three new ones, while leveraging the projects that are already being implemented. By carrying out these five projects in an integrated manner, we will promote a comprehensive support system.

Implementation Plan for the Inagi City Multilayered Support System Development Project

In order to appropriately and effectively implement the layered support system development project, the "Inagi City Layered Support System Development Project Implementation Plan" has been formulated.
This plan is positioned as the "Layered Support System Development Project Implementation Plan" as stipulated in Article 106-5 of the Social Welfare Act, and it outlines specific matters to realize the "enhancement of the comprehensive support system" in the Fourth Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan. It will maintain harmony with the Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan, as well as the "Inagi City Social Welfare Council Resident Activity Plan" and various individual welfare plans, ensuring consistency in the documented matters.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division