Unique Use of My Number

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Page ID 1009227 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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The administrative tasks that can utilize the My Number are divided into statutory tasks and original utilization tasks.
Statutory tasks refer to the tasks designated as those that can utilize the My Number under the My Number Act (Act No. 27 of 2013 concerning the use of numbers to identify specific individuals in administrative procedures).
Original utilization tasks refer to the tasks that can utilize the My Number based on the ordinance under Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the My Number Act (in Inagi City, this is referred to as the "Inagi City Ordinance on the Use of Personal Numbers and Specific Personal Information" (Inagi City Ordinance No. 21 of 2015)).

Among these unique utilization operations, those that meet the conditions set by the Personal Information Protection Commission regulations can use the information provision network system to collaborate with other local governments (My Number Act Article 19, Item 8).

Unique Utilization Office for Information Collaboration

Among the unique utilization operations of Inagi City, the following are those that involve information linkage. Furthermore, notifications have been made in accordance with Article 19, Item 8 of the My Number Act and the regulations of the Personal Information Protection Commission based on it, and approval has been obtained from the Personal Information Protection Commission.

Notification Number Name of Independent Utilization Office
1 Administrative procedures for the payment of allowances for severely disabled persons under the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Allowances for Severely Disabled Persons (Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance No. 68 of 1973)
2 Administrative matters regarding the assistance for medical expenses for mental health outpatient care under the enforcement regulations of the law to comprehensively support the daily and social life of persons with disabilities (Tokyo Regulation No. 12 of 2006)
3, 10 Administrative matters regarding the assistance for medical expenses for single-parent families, as stipulated by the Ordinance on Assistance for Medical Expenses for Single-Parent Families, Inagi City Ordinance No. 24 of 1989, as defined by regulations.
4, 14 Administrative matters regarding the assistance for Medical Expenses for Infants and Young Children based on the Ordinance on Assistance for Medical Expenses for Infants and Young Children (Inagi City Ordinance No. 18 of 1993) as stipulated by regulations.
5, 12 Administrative matters regarding the assistance of medical expenses for compulsory education students in Inagi City, as stipulated by the Ordinance on Assistance for Medical Expenses for Compulsory Education Students (Inagi City Ordinance No. 5 of 2007), as defined by regulations.
6 Administrative measures for Public Assistance for foreign nationals in need, implemented in accordance with the Public Assistance Act (Law No. 144 of 1950) as stipulated by regulations.
7 Administrative matters regarding the payment of Disability Welfare allowances for persons with physical and mental disabilities in accordance with the Ordinance of Inagi City (Ordinance No. 33 of 1974) as stipulated by regulations.
8 Child Allowance for Child Development based on the Inagi City Child Development Allowance Ordinance (Ordinance No. 25 of 1971, Inagi City) and matters specified by regulations (Development Allowance)
9 Administrative matters concerning the payment of Child Allowance based on the Inagi City Child Rearing Allowance Ordinance, as specified by regulations (Disability Allowance)
11, 13 Administrative matters regarding the subsidy for medical expenses for high school students, etc. based on the Ordinance on Subsidies for Medical Expenses for High School Students, etc. (Inagi City Ordinance No. 12 of 2022) as stipulated by regulations

Publication of Notification Regarding Information Collaboration for Independent Use Affairs

The notification form for the unique utilization of administrative services for information collaboration in Inagi City will be published in the following My Number unique utilization administrative service system.

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