Regarding the Application for Correction in Nursing Care Benefits and Training Benefits for Business Establishments

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Page ID 1010573 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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If an error in the billing details is discovered, you can file a claim for correction and withdraw the relevant billing.
After submitting the claim for correction, it will be possible to re-bill to the National Health Insurance Association.
Note: A claim that has been returned does not require a claim for correction. Please bill with the corrected details from the following month onward.

Process for Filing a Claim of Error

Illustration: Flow of Error Claims (Image)

  1. Please submit the "Application for Correction" to the Disability Welfare Division by around the 20th of each month.
    You can either bring it to the counter, send it by mail, or fax it.
    If you are submitting by fax, please send it directly to the Disability Welfare Division below.
    Fax number: 042-378-5677
  2. We will send error report information from the city to the National Health Insurance Association.
  3. Please reissue with the corrected information by the 10th of the following month.
    The amount withdrawn due to the error claim will be adjusted at the time of reissuance.
  4. Notification of error processing results will be sent from the National Health Insurance Association.

Application for Correction (Form)

Points to Note

  • A request for correction is a procedure to withdraw claims for each individual recipient and for each month of service provided.
  • Even if there is an error in the claim for just one day, the entire month for the respective recipient will be withdrawn.
  • If a re-invoicing is carried out without submitting a claim of error, it will be considered a duplicate claim and will be returned.
  • There is no need to file a claim for the returned billing information. Please submit your invoice with the corrected details from the following month onward.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division