Fiscal Year 2024 Policy Guidelines
In light of the first Regular Session of the City Council in the 6th year of Reiwa (2024), I would like to express the policy of the City Administration and request the understanding and cooperation of the City Council and all citizens.
Note: There may be differences from the manuscript due to oral presentation.
Looking back at last year's international situation, as the invasion of Ukraine by Russia prolonged, the military conflict between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas deepened the humanitarian crisis further. Additionally, it was a year exposed to the threats of natural disasters, such as the Turkey-Syria earthquake, which resulted in over 60,000 deaths, and the large-scale wildfires on Maui Island in Hawaii.
On the other hand, it was also a year when generative AI gained significant attention. This AI learns patterns and relationships in data and can generate various content in response to simple instructions, achieving higher accuracy compared to traditional methods and rapidly gaining popularity. However, global concerns regarding safety also arose, leading to active discussions on regulation.
Regarding the COVID-19 virus, which was first confirmed in the country in January of the second year of the Reiwa era, the WHO (World Health Organization) lifted the designation of "international public health emergency," and domestically, the classification under the Infectious Diseases Control Law was lowered to "Category 5," the same as seasonal influenza. The global COVID crisis, which lasted for over three years, has transitioned to a normal state, and socio-economic activities are moving towards normalization.
Now, in the government's "Economic Outlook and Basic Attitude for Economic and Fiscal Management for the 6th year of Reiwa," it is expected that with the progress of comprehensive economic measures, improvements in income environments, including wage increases in public-private partnerships, and encouragement of corporate capital investment will lead to private demand-driven economic growth. While there are various challenges, I hope for the emergence of a virtuous cycle of prices and wages, allowing the Japanese economy to regain its strong growth potential.
The General Fund Budget for the 6th year of Reiwa in our country, amid a historic turning point, has become a budget that tackles urgent issues that cannot be postponed in response to changes of the times, amounting to 112 trillion 5 billion 717 million yen, a decrease of 1.6% compared to the previous year. Although the initial budget is below the previous year for the first time in 12 years, it remains the second largest scale in history, with a severe fiscal situation relying on government bonds for over 30% of its funding.
In terms of expenditures, comprehensive financial measures have been taken to implement policies based on the Child Future Strategy, strengthen defense capabilities in response to the diplomatic environment, and ensure seamless support for the lives of those affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake and the recovery and reconstruction of disaster areas. However, due to the compression of reserve funds, general expenditures have decreased by 6.8% compared to the previous year, amounting to 67 trillion 7 billion 764 million yen.
Additionally, the deficit amount for the primary fiscal balance, which is an indicator of fiscal soundness, has reached 8 trillion 8 billion 163 million yen, a decrease of 1 trillion 9 billion 450 million yen from the previous year.
Next, regarding the initial budget of Tokyo, the General Fund Budget has increased by 5.1% compared to the previous year, amounting to 8 trillion 4 billion 530 million yen, marking the largest budget for three consecutive years. Regarding metropolitan taxes, there is a 3.0% increase compared to the previous year, amounting to 6 trillion 3 billion 865 million yen, which is expected to be the highest amount ever, similar to national tax revenues. In terms of general expenditures related to policy expenses, it has increased by 7.3% compared to the previous year, amounting to 6 trillion 3 billion 702 million yen, due to efforts to establish a seamless support system for all people from children to Older Adults, initiatives to quickly establish a strategic framework for generating innovation, and efforts to realize a resilient capital Tokyo that can respond to all threats, including large-scale earthquakes.
Initiatives of Our City
In our city, where urban infrastructure development is still halfway, it is difficult to foresee the future of the financial environment, but we cannot stop our progress. Additionally, we need to respond accurately to changes in social conditions and the diversifying needs of citizens, continuously developing projects that are directly linked to citizens' lives. In our city, we have steadily promoted planned projects and achieved results even in a situation where securing financial resources has been challenging, by optimizing staff allocation and improving operations.
In the fiscal year 2024, as the measures against COVID-19 taken over the past few years come to a close, we need to flexibly respond to changes in the socio-economic situation, such as the abolition of income restrictions for medical expense assistance systems for compulsory education children and high school students, while ensuring the necessary level of administrative services, thoroughly reviewing administrative operations, and striving for efficient and effective fiscal management, as we enter the fourth year of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City.
In light of these considerations, we have approached the budget formulation for fiscal year 2024 based on the following principles.
First, while maintaining a sound fiscal situation looking to the future, we will advance the initiatives outlined in the basic plan to realize the future city image set forth in the basic concept of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City, and strive for sustainable fiscal management.
Second, we will accurately capture economic trends such as rising prices and changes in social conditions in the post-COVID era, and respond flexibly to the challenges posed by diversifying needs.
Third, prioritizing the safety of citizens, we will continue to systematically address disaster prevention and mitigation measures.
Based on the above three points, the proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 for our city is 42.08 billion yen for the General Fund, which is an increase of 2.885 billion yen, or 7.4%, compared to the initial budget amount of the previous year.
Revenue is expected to be 16.43 billion yen from municipal taxes, which form the core of our self-financing resources, a decrease of 233.94 million yen, or 1.4%, compared to the initial budget amount of the previous year. Individual municipal tax is expected to decrease due to the end of temporary measures related to the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the impact of fixed-rate tax reductions. For property tax, land is expected to increase due to the reassessment of evaluation amounts, taking into account the disposal of reserved land in land readjustment areas and the release of production green spaces, while buildings are expected to decrease significantly due to depreciation of existing buildings from reassessment.
Additionally, national subsidies are expected to increase by 244.72 million yen due to the increase in educational and childcare benefit burdens for children, and metropolitan subsidies are expected to increase by 419.16 million yen due to the increase in subsidies for reducing burdens on households with multiple children using childcare facilities.
Furthermore, regarding municipal bonds, we expect an increase of 643.9 million yen due to the issuance of bonds for land readjustment projects, installation of air conditioning systems in special classrooms in elementary schools, and renovation of air conditioning systems at Inagi Fire Station, while other municipal bonds will be utilized as a source of funding for ordinary construction projects, taking future financial burdens into consideration.
Expenditures have been calculated based on the "Budget Formulation Policy" issued last August.
Among the main items, the transfer payments have increased by 1.0341 billion yen due to increases in special account transfer payments for land readjustment projects and transfer payments for the medical special account for the elderly.
Expenditure for goods has increased by 914.6 million yen due to increases in costs related to system standardization, outsourcing fees for community comprehensive support center projects, outsourcing fees for childbirth and childcare support gift projects, and waste collection and transportation outsourcing fees.
Assistance expenses have increased by 593.43 million yen due to increases in educational and childcare benefits for children, outsourcing fees for private nursery operations, disability care benefits, and medical expense assistance for compulsory education children.
Ordinary construction project expenses have increased by 569.42 million yen due to increases in contracting costs for air conditioning installation work in special classrooms, subsidies for promoting private nursery schools, land purchase costs for the second phase of the first kitchen, and contracting costs for improvement work at the south exit square of Inagi Station.
Personnel expenses have increased by 280.59 million yen due to an increase in the number of staff, salary revisions, and the start of payment of diligence allowances for annual contract employees.
Public bond expenses have decreased by 19.22 million yen due to the completion of the redemption of temporary financial measures bonds issued in fiscal year 2003.
Subsidies and other expenses have decreased by 111.82 million yen due to reductions in benefits for the use of facilities for childcare and incentives for corporate attraction.
Below, I will explain the characteristics of the fiscal year 2024 budget in accordance with the framework of the Long-Term Comprehensive Plan's policies.
Content of the Policy
1. Parenting, Education, Culture - A town where everyone can shine through growth and learning - Inagi
Regarding the enhancement of the environment for growth and development, we will proceed with the privatization of the Shiroyama Cultural Center Children's Center and the Shiroyama Elementary School After-School Childcare Program as part of our efforts for the healthy development of children after school, as well as preparations for the privatization of the Fourth Cultural Center Children's Center and the Fourth Cultural Center After-School Childcare Program in the fiscal year 2025.
In response to the increased demand for the Minamiyama Elementary School After-School Childcare Program, we will expand the number of classes and increase the capacity for operation.
Additionally, in the operation of public childcare centers, we will carry out waterproofing renovation work on the roof of the Fifth Nursery School to address the aging of the facility.
To enhance the support system for parenting households, we will implement subsidies for transportation costs for Family Support Center activity members and activity costs through the Famili-Support Meister program, aiming to strengthen the support system for parenting in the local community.
Regarding the enhancement of the consultation and support system for growth and development, we will abolish the income restrictions set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an additional measure unique to the city in the Maruko (Medical Expense Subsidy Program for Compulsory Education Students) and Maruao (Medical Expense Subsidy Program for High School Students) programs, providing medical expense subsidies for all children under high school age to support parenting generations.
For the First Birthday Support Program, we will expand the distribution amount of the childcare package to 60,000 yen for families raising children who will turn one year old after April 2024, aiming to reduce economic and childcare burdens.
Furthermore, with the opening of the branch of the Educational Consultation Room from April 2024, we will increase the number of educational consultants to enhance the consultation system.
To enrich the content of education, we will publish a newsletter from the Board of Education to enhance public relations regarding educational policies and initiatives.
To enhance the content of compulsory education, we will hold the "World Children's Future Conference Supporting the United Nations" for elementary school students as part of education to nurture the builders of a sustainable society, discussing and communicating about the future of Inagi, thereby promoting the development of the ability to create and survive in the future.
Additionally, in junior high schools, as part of international understanding education, we will improve English communication skills through interactions with international students from universities.
To enhance the educational environment, we will assign a Type 1 annual appointment staff member to assist the vice-principal's administrative workload, allowing teachers to focus on consultation and supporting the principal, thereby strengthening school management functions.
Moreover, due to the prolonged rise in resource prices, the increase in food costs has necessitated a revision of school lunch fees. To alleviate the burden on parents of students, we will establish the Inagi City School Lunch Price Surge Emergency Support Subsidy, temporarily covering the increased portion revised after July 2022, ensuring the continued provision of safe and nutritious school lunches with balanced nutrition, quantity, and quality.
Regarding the improvement of school facilities and equipment, we will carry out construction to prepare regular classrooms at Inagi Second Elementary School and Hirao Elementary School to accommodate the increase in the number of students, as well as design work for the expansion of the Inagi Second Elementary School building.
Additionally, to address the aging of school buildings, we will carry out waterproofing renovation work on the roof of Inagi Fourth Junior High School.
Next, to ensure a safe and comfortable educational environment, we will carry out construction to install air conditioning in special classrooms such as art and home economics rooms in elementary schools.
We will also carry out construction to install barrier-free toilets in the gymnasium of Shiroyama Elementary School, which is designated as an evacuation center during disasters.
Regarding the enhancement of school lunches, we will acquire land for the second phase of land use construction for the first kitchen of the School Lunch Joint Cooking Facility.
Additionally, to address the aging of kitchen equipment at the second kitchen of the School Lunch Joint Cooking Facility, we will update the automatic fryer.
To promote lifelong learning, we will formulate the (tentative name) Fourth Inagi City Children's Reading Activity Promotion Plan, with a planning period from fiscal year 2025 to fiscal year 2029.
In facilities that serve as venues for citizens' lifelong learning activities, we will carry out waterproofing renovation work on the roof of the Third Cultural Center and renovation work on the air conditioning equipment of the Third Cultural Center. We will also update the pottery kiln at the Fourth Community Center, which is significantly aging.
2. Health, Medical Care, and Welfare - A Town Where Everyone Can Live Healthy in the Community - Inagi
Regarding the enhancement of the regional medical system, we will work on improving the system for Sundays, holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays as a Holiday Emergency Clinic in cooperation with the Inagi City Medical Association.
In terms of the development of community welfare, we will implement a multi-layered support system project to strengthen comprehensive support systems in various fields of welfare, responding to the complex and diverse support needs of local residents.
For the enhancement of welfare for Older Adults, we will increase the number of opening days for the Home Medical Care and Nursing Care Coordination Support Center and enhance the consultation functions.
Furthermore, towards the realization of a symbiotic society, we will trial the brain health measurement project, promote the dissemination of correct knowledge about dementia, raise awareness of brain health, and promote the prevention and improvement of dementia progression through early detection.
In addition, to respond to the increasing service demands due to the aging of the New Town area, we will support the relocation of the Koyodai Community General Support Center office to the former Kiraboshi Bank Koyodai branch.
Regarding the Long-Term Care Insurance system, we will revise the Long-Term Care Insurance premiums based on the 9th Long-Term Care Insurance Business Plan, which has a planning period from fiscal year 2024 to fiscal year 2026, and work towards the smooth operation of the system.
For the enhancement of welfare for persons with disabilities and children with disabilities, we will open a branch of the Inagi City Development Support Center, which is a unique initiative of the city, to enhance the developmental support system. This will also include the functions of the Child Development Support Center based on the Child Welfare Act, serving as the core of regional developmental support, providing seamless developmental support from early childhood.
Additionally, we will establish a day service facility for children and individuals with severe physical and intellectual disabilities or those requiring medical care, ensuring a place for daytime activities and enhancing support for community living.
Moreover, to ensure that individuals with disabilities using home ventilators can maintain life during large-scale power outages caused by disasters, we will provide self-generating devices and ensure safety and security in home medical care.
Regarding the promotion of public medical insurance and pension systems, we will revise the National Health Insurance Tax rates to ensure the stable operation of the National Health Insurance system.
3. Environment, Economy, and Tourism - A vibrant town surrounded by water and greenery - Inagi
Regarding the enhancement of the charm of water, greenery, and parks, we will continue to hold workshops with the participation of local residents at Yoshikata Park, as well as carry out the design for an inclusive park.
In terms of promoting sustainable urban agriculture, we are preparing to update the branch crushing processing vehicle introduced in fiscal year 2004 in fiscal year 2025 to improve the efficiency of pruning branch processing and reduce environmental impact.
For the revitalization of commerce and industry, we will expand the target area of the current station area store opening subsidy project to the entire city, aiming to create attractive commercial spaces.
Regarding the promotion of sports and recreational activities, we will work towards the formulation of the (tentative name) Second Inagi City Sports Promotion Plan so that all citizens can enjoy a rich sports life throughout their lives.
Additionally, we will further promote support in line with the name change of the Inagi City Sports Association, which is responsible for promoting sports and recreational activities.
Regarding sports facilities, we will carry out the LED lighting renovation work at the complex facility Friend Hirao Ground to ensure safe and comfortable use, as well as to create environmentally friendly facilities.
In promoting community development through the creation of vibrancy in tourism, we will promote initiatives for regional revitalization in partnership with Tokyo Verdy and the Yomiuri Giants, who are the hometown teams of this city, leading to further civic pride.
Furthermore, we will promote citizen exchanges by providing subsidies for the "Tourism Project to Sister and Friendship Cities in Japan" planned by the Inagi City Tourism Association as a hosted project.
4. Urban Infrastructure Development, Firefighting, Crime Prevention - A town where everyone can live safely and comfortably, Inagi
Regarding the promotion of planned and appropriate land use, we will continue our efforts towards the establishment of the (tentative name) Inagi City Community Development Ordinance in fiscal year 2023, aiming to create a system that facilitates community development by citizens, business operators, and the administration.
For the development of urban areas, we will promote the Land Readjustment Project to create a good living environment and improve public facilities.
In the Enokido area, which is being developed by the city, we aim for early completion of the project by completing the relocation of all buildings within the area and carrying out road construction work to ensure project progress.
In the area around Yanokuchi Station, we will not only relocate structures on the north side of the station but also consider relocation plans for the former Super Embankment C block.
In the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station, in addition to relocating buildings, we will continue discussions with local residents to promote the creation of vibrancy and enhance attractiveness through effective land use around the station square.
In the area around Minami-Tama Station, we will carry out building relocations as well as road and waterway construction work.
In the southern part of the Nanzan area, which is being developed by the association, we aim to open the new Giants Stadium and the main arterial roads in the area, namely the Yomiuri Land Line and Inagi Minami-Tama Line. We will also continue to advance the development of residential land and provide further support and guidance to the association to expand the disposal of reserved land and the start of use and profit.
Regarding the promotion of road network development, we will continue to request the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to facilitate the development of the Minami-Tama Ridge Main Line and Tsurukawa Road for smooth intercity transportation.
Additionally, for the section of the Yomiuri Land Line entrusted to us by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, from the Inagi City Fire Brigade First Division Station to the boundary of the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project area, we will continue land acquisition and property relocation compensation, as well as implement road improvement works. Furthermore, for the section along the prefectural boundary, we will also carry out land acquisition and property relocation compensation, as well as detailed road design.
Next, we will carry out road construction work for the Tamagawa Urban Planning Road No. 7-5-3, from Kawasaki Road to Tsurukawa Road.
Next, regarding the development of roads closely related to daily life, we will collaborate with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to align with the progress of the Tsurukawa Road Hyakumura section, and the city will carry out land acquisition and property relocation compensation for City Road No. 456, which connects to Tsurukawa Road.
Next, for the section from the new Kisaragi Bridge to Nakabashi, which is positioned in the Sakahama West District Plan, we will carry out land acquisition and property relocation compensation to develop the side road in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Misawa River improvement plan.
In addition, we will continue to advance the development aimed at resolving narrow roads.
Regarding the improvement of the transportation environment (mobility), we will review the existing layout of the Inagi Station South Exit Square and the Keio Yomiuri Land Station South Exit Square to enhance the safety and convenience of station users and citizens. Along with urban infrastructure development, we will expand the bus boarding area and carry out improvement works for the Inagi Station South Exit Square and detailed design for the Keio Yomiuri Land Station South Exit Square to ensure safe passage for buses, taxis, and general vehicles.
Additionally, regarding the i-bus project, in line with the progress of urban infrastructure development in the Nanzan East area, we will conduct a survey of the actual usage of the current operating routes, verify the existing operating routes, and discuss the review of bus public transportation routes within the "Inagi City Regional Public Transport Council" and others.
Regarding the promotion of comprehensive flood disaster measures, we will strive to improve flood control and safety through the maintenance of waterways and ordinary rivers due to the bank improvement works in Sugahori, as well as the proper maintenance of the pumping station's generator through repair works.
Additionally, for flood control measures, we will develop public sewer rainwater facilities in line with the progress of the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project and carry out improvements to the rainwater mainline in the downstream area to prevent flooding damage, aiming to expand the rainwater drainage improvement area.
Furthermore, in response to increased rainfall and urbanization due to climate change caused by global warming, we will protect the lives and property of citizens from frequent flooding damage by evaluating the current development situation based on the flood inundation area map due to internal flooding, reviewing the target development standards considering climate change, and establishing an effective phased development policy, including the utilization of retention basins newly positioned within the Nanzan East area as public sewer facilities, through the formulation of a comprehensive rainwater management plan.
Regarding the enhancement of the fire-fighting system, aiming for a safe and secure community development, we will advance the formulation of the (tentative name) Fourth Inagi City Fire Basic Plan to strengthen the fire-fighting system in our city from fiscal year 2026 onward.
Regarding the promotion of regional disaster prevention activities, we will align with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's regional disaster prevention plan and revise the regional disaster prevention plan based on lessons learned from recent earthquakes and wind and flood disasters occurring in various places. We will also increase the installation of automatic unlocking boxes for earthquakes at designated evacuation shelters and strive to improve disaster response facilities.
5. Citizens and Administration: A Sustainable City for Everyone - Inagi
We will work towards the development of the (tentative) Fifth Inagi City Gender Equality Plan to foster a mutual respect awareness.
Regarding the support for community development, we will implement subsidies for the operational costs of security cameras installed by the Neighborhood Association.
In promoting inter-city exchanges and multicultural exchanges, we will collaborate with the Inagi City Sister Friendship City Exchange Association to promote new inter-city exchanges with Sister Cities and Friendship Cities, thereby facilitating exchanges among citizens and creating opportunities for multicultural exchanges.
For sharing information between citizens and the administration, we will conduct a citizen awareness survey to understand the lifestyle awareness and intentions/requests regarding city administration, which will serve as materials for future city administration.
Additionally, considering the characteristics of diversifying information media, we will fully renovate the city website to create a system that accurately conveys administrative information to citizens and actively disseminates information.
Regarding sound financial and administrative management, as a disaster response measure for the Inagi City Hall, we will carry out design work for the renovation of the hall's receiving and transforming equipment to expand the area where business can continue during power outages.
Furthermore, regarding the air conditioning system at the Inagi Fire Station, due to observed malfunctions caused by equipment deterioration and its role as an activity base during large-scale disasters, we will carry out renovation work to enable the air conditioning system to operate during power outages caused by earthquakes or wind and flood damage.
To improve administrative services utilizing information systems, we will add new functions to the public facilities reservation system, allowing online reservations, payment of usage fees, and key lending online, in order to enhance user convenience and streamline facility management operations.
Additionally, regarding the introduction of generative AI, we will utilize conversational generative AI to improve staff work efficiency and digital literacy.
Thus, I have presented the policy direction in accordance with the framework of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City.
In the new fiscal year, with the understanding and cooperation of all city council members and citizens, we will promote each project of the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City and advance sustainable financial and administrative operations.
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