Results of the Public Opinion Solicitation on the Draft of the Fourth Comprehensive Health and Welfare Plan of Inagi City (Community Welfare Plan)

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Page ID 1008774 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The Fourth Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan (Community Welfare Plan) is a plan to address issues in light of the expiration of the planning period for the Third Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan in fiscal year 2023. It takes into account changes in the environment surrounding health and welfare and the needs for welfare. Additionally, it includes the implementation plan for the layered support system development project, which is a cross-sectional plan in the welfare field, and the basic plan for promoting the use of the second adult guardianship system. This plan has been discussed by the Fourth Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan Formulation Committee.
We have published the draft of the Fourth Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan (Community Welfare Plan), which is a six-year plan starting from fiscal year 2024, and we are soliciting opinions widely from citizens and others.


Residents, workers, and students in the city, as well as individuals and corporations that have offices, business locations, land, or buildings in the city.

Public Review Period for the Draft Plan and Collection of Opinions (Ended)

From February 1, 2024 (Thursday) to February 15, 2024 (Thursday), must arrive by

Viewing Location

  • Livelihood Welfare Division, 2nd Floor, City Hall
  • City Hall 1st Floor Administrative Information Corner
  • Hirao・Wakabadai Branch Office
  • Welfare Center
  • Each Cultural Center
  • Comprehensive Gymnasium
  • Central Library
  • Community Promotion Plaza
  • City Homepage

Method of Soliciting Opinions

Email, in person, by mail, fax, or the input form on the Inagi City Website

Summary of Opinions and the City's Perspective

1 Implementation Plan for the Inagi City Multilayered Support System Development Project

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
Is the awareness of the staff within the office being cultivated due to the lack of a transition preparation period for this project? This plan has been developed while fostering awareness and coordinating with relevant organizations both inside and outside the government. We will continue to improve the system in the implementation of the plan after its formulation.
It is essential to promote the comprehensive welfare living support center, but care must be taken to ensure that the term 'hikikomori' does not take precedence. Regarding the comprehensive welfare living consultation window, we will promote awareness and support not only for those in a state of social withdrawal but also for various complex and multifaceted issues.
I hope that you will not only focus on individual support but also combine it with community support, valuing "participation support" and "community development." It is necessary to be aware that community welfare is "Community Development" and to work together not only with welfare, NPOs, and volunteer organizations (not just from a welfare perspective) but also with commerce, agriculture, and education. Otherwise, it will end up being the same as before (individual support) and will not lead to the goal of a community-based society. The attitude of "thinking about warm community development from social withdrawal" is important.
Families and individuals wish for the establishment of places for social interaction and intermediate employment before working.
Based on the basic policy of this plan, we will promote the establishment of a consultation support system that leaves no one behind, the development of a community that fosters diverse connections across generations and attributes, and the enhancement of a system that supports entire households across different fields.

2 Community Welfare Plan

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
Basic Goal 1・Policy 2・Major Policy A "Support for Activities of the Social Welfare Council, Volunteer Organizations, and NPOs"
Wishing for the holding of a "Welfare Exchange Event".
In Inagi City, there is absolutely no place for welfare-related individuals (Social Welfare Council, Inagi City Welfare Department, welfare facilities, stakeholder organizations, volunteer organizations, individuals with disabilities, Commissioned Welfare Volunteers, helpers, etc.) to "face each other together".
Currently existing events like "Connecting Park Inagi" and "Disaster Prevention Training (Disability Exchange Booths)" are small-scale half-day events, and due to being organized by a volunteer committee, it is difficult to continue them.
There is not enough manpower to hold events that can sufficiently disseminate information for stakeholders, various systems, and understanding of disabilities among citizens.
I hope for the realization of horizontal connections rather than vertical divisions in administration, as part of collaboration among stakeholders.
Exhibitions of welfare equipment by companies would also be good.
The opinions received will be used as reference opinions regarding the specific implementation of future projects in Basic Goal 1, Policy 2, Major Policy A "Support for activities of the Social Welfare Council, volunteer organizations, and NPOs."
Basic Goal 1・Policy 2・Key Policy 2: "Promotion of Social Participation and Interaction"
I hope that the functions of the "Fureai Center" will expand further.
Volunteer organizations, groups of affected individuals, and parent associations are facing challenges in their individual operations due to the aging of their members and the increase in dual-income households.
While users of the "Fureai Center" tend to be older adults, I expect it to be effectively utilized as a place for families with children with disabilities and for affected individuals, together with understanding volunteers (and staff if necessary).
The opinions received will be used as reference opinions regarding the specific approach to future projects under Basic Goal 1, Policy 2, and Major Policy 2 "Promotion of Social Participation and Interaction."
Basic Goal 3, Policy 4: "Promotion of Support for Vulnerable Individuals during Disasters"
We hope to conduct evacuation training for "individuals requiring support" with the cooperation of Neighborhood Associations and local residents.
We propose training that involves actually going to the homes of those requiring support and completing the evacuation to the training venue.
During disaster prevention training, there were discussions about opinions such as "Commissioned Welfare Volunteers and Neighborhood Associations are also aging and cannot manage alone."
In the 2019 Typhoon No. 19, evacuation instructions were issued in Inagi City, and the "Community Disaster Prevention Plan" is also being reviewed.
There are many challenges in disaster prevention for vulnerable individuals, but the Disaster Prevention Division cannot handle it alone.
As the Livelihood Welfare Division promotes the creation of "Individual Evacuation Plans," we hope to conduct effective disaster prevention training and have all stakeholders, centered around the Livelihood Welfare Division, verify the results together.
The opinions received will be used as reference opinions regarding the specific approach to future projects under Basic Goal 3, Policy 4, "Promotion of Support for Vulnerable Persons during Disasters, etc.".

3 Implementation Plan for the Inagi City Multilayered Support System Development Project

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
By entrusting the Social Welfare Council and placing its staff in the Livelihood Welfare Division, it will become easier to collaborate with the city. However, it is necessary to raise awareness of collaboration with related organizations to avoid a complete handover, as dedicated staff will be assigned to implement the projects. Additionally, given the large volume of projects, it is hoped that none will be left half-finished. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions in advancing the layered support system development project.
The problems faced by the consultees are diversifying and becoming more complex, but I hope that the new initiative, the "Multi-Agency Collaboration Project," will function appropriately to solve them. In particular, support for households with issues that cannot be resolved by existing services has been a challenge for all agencies. It would be good if this project can help organize these efforts in the future. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions for the future specific approach in the multi-agency collaboration project.
This project highlights support for "hikikomori". Even though it is simply referred to as "hikikomori", there are various factors such as age, environment, and the reasons for becoming hikikomori. It is important to consider how to approach these individuals from different perspectives. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions in advancing the layered support system development project.
It is important to follow up after connecting individuals who have challenges and need support with local resources and support options, as this is crucial for effective matching. Additionally, if appropriate resources or services are not available, we would like you to actively work on creating new ones. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions for the future specific approach in the participation support project.
In order to build a community-based society, I would like to promote collaboration and cooperation not only with the relevant organizations in the welfare sector but also with various departments outside of welfare, local organizations, and community residents. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions in advancing the layered support system development project.

3 Basic Plan for Promoting the Use of the Second Inagi City Adult Guardianship System

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
"In the Individual Support Council, it is stated that legal and welfare professionals, as well as related organizations, can provide necessary support to the Rights Protection Support Team by offering advice on cases. I believe that having not only welfare professionals but also legal experts involved will be reassuring for those providing support." The opinions received will be used as reference opinions in promoting the use of the adult guardianship system.

4 Implementation Plan for the Inagi City Multilayered Support System Development Project

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
Expectations and Concerns
There is a great expectation that the staff of the Social Welfare Council will be assigned to the Livelihood Welfare Division to undertake operations. On the other hand, I hope that collaboration with related departments and business operators within the office will be promoted to prevent excessive expectations and the complete delegation of tasks to the staff of the Livelihood Welfare Division and the Social Welfare Council, who are responsible for four of the five layered support system projects. I would like the staff responsible for these four projects to handle their duties over a long-term span of about six years, which is the duration of this plan.
Although there was no progress in the existing outreach projects, I believe it would be a significant achievement if people with disabilities and their families could feel the support of their helpers through initiatives such as "home visits aimed at building relationships leading to support for people in withdrawal, including assessments and regular check-ins as initial support." I think this is an important project towards realizing a community-based society that supports people with various life difficulties.
The opinions received will be used as reference opinions in advancing the layered support system development project.
Correction of the table description
On pages 98, 99, and 100, in the table "Implementation System of Inagi City," add "(4 Maintenance Project Concurrently)" or "(4 Project Concurrently)" in the column for "Livelihood Welfare Division," and change the column for "Inagi City Social Welfare Council (Assigned to Livelihood Welfare Division and Concurrently Engaged in Other Projects)" to "Inagi City Social Welfare Council (Assigned to Livelihood Welfare Division and Concurrently Engaged in 4 Maintenance Projects)" or "Inagi City Social Welfare Council (Assigned to Livelihood Welfare Division and Concurrently Engaged in 4 Projects)." This will make it clear that the Social Welfare Council staff and Livelihood Welfare Division staff are collaboratively implementing 4 out of the 5 projects for the layered support system development.
Based on your feedback, we will revise the draft to make it clearer. In the section for the "Social Welfare Council of Inagi City," we will remove "(Assigned to the Livelihood Welfare Division and concurrently engaged in other projects)" and the part "and concurrently engaged in other projects."

4 Second Basic Plan for Promoting the Use of the Adult Guardianship System in Inagi City

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
There may be cases where corporate guardianship (Tama South Adult Guardianship Center) cannot be accepted.
Page 109 states, "We will appropriately implement corporate guardianship for those who have difficulty finding a guardian candidate."
There may also be cases where corporate guardianship (Tama South Guardianship Center) cannot be accepted. I would like you to prepare a plan that anticipates the possibility of not being able to "appropriately implement corporate guardianship."
We ask for your understanding that this is listed as a measure in the plan to properly implement corporate guardianship.
There may be cases where corporate guardianship (Tama South Adult Guardianship Center) cannot be accepted.
Page 109 states, "We will appropriately implement corporate guardianship for those who have difficulty finding a guardian candidate."
There may also be cases where corporate guardianship (Tama South Guardianship Center) cannot be accepted. I would like you to prepare a plan that anticipates the possibility of not being able to "appropriately implement corporate guardianship."
The opinions received will be used as reference opinions regarding the specific implementation of future projects in order to appropriately carry out the application assistance and reward assistance.

5 Community Welfare Plan

Summary of Opinions City's Perspective
It seems that there has not been a request for home helpers for a long time, but I would like to ask for the training of young helpers up to the age of 60. The opinions received will be used as reference opinions regarding the specific approach to future projects in Basic Goal 2, Policy 4, and Major Policy A "Support for Personnel Involved in Welfare."

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Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division