Inagi City Community, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy Implementation of Verification (Fiscal Year 2018)

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Page ID 1008979 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The "Inagi City Town, People, and Business Startup Comprehensive Strategy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Comprehensive Strategy") aims to implement a PDCA cycle to verify the progress of the Comprehensive Strategy using key performance indicators (KPIs) and make improvements as necessary.
This verification was conducted with the purpose of enhancing future measures by evaluating and verifying the progress of the Comprehensive Strategy.

Overview of Verification

In order to conduct a verification of the comprehensive strategy, we have established the "Inagi City Town, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy Verification Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Verification Committee") to incorporate citizens' opinions and to verify in an organized and comprehensive manner. In addition, to ensure consistency and coherence with the comprehensive strategy, it is composed of members or affiliations similar to those of the Verification Committee conducted in the fiscal year 2017.

Verification Committee Schedule

July 23, 2019

Fiscal Year 2018 Achievements

Among the projects listed in the comprehensive strategy, those with established KPIs have been classified into three categories based on their progress: "Achieved," "Expected to Achieve," and "Not Achieved." The definitions for each category are as follows.

  • Achievement: Projects that have already reached the target value for the fiscal year ending in Heisei 31 (end of fiscal year 2019)
  • Expected Achievement: Projects that are currently below KPI but are clearly expected to be achieved by the end of fiscal year 31.
  • Not Achieved: Projects that have not reached their KPI target values as of the fiscal year 2018
Comprehensive Strategy Listed Projects 51 Projects
KPI Setting Project 42 Projects
Achievement 17 projects (40.5%)
Expected Achievement 3 projects (7.1%)
Unachieved 22 projects (52.4%)

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