Inagi City Community, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy Implementation of Verification (Mid-term Verification)

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Page ID 1008981 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Based on the Town, People, and Work Creation Act, we formulated the "Inagi City Town, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Comprehensive Strategy") in fiscal year 2015 as a strategy to overcome population decline and regional economic contraction with a long-term perspective (Planning period: October 2015 to March 2020).
This verification is aimed at evaluating and verifying the progress of the Comprehensive Strategy based on the key performance indicators (KPI) established in the Comprehensive Strategy, as fiscal year 2017 is the midpoint of the planning period, with the goal of enhancing future measures.

Verification Process

In order to conduct a verification of the comprehensive strategy, we have established the "Inagi City Town, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy Verification Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Verification Committee") to incorporate citizens' opinions and verify in an organized and comprehensive manner. In addition, to ensure consistency and coherence with the comprehensive strategy, the verification is being conducted by members with a similar composition to those of the Inagi City Town, People, and Work Creation Comprehensive Strategy Formulation Committee.
(Verification Committee Implementation Status)

  • 1st Meeting July 4, 2017
  • 2nd Meeting, August 21, 2017
  • 3rd Session, March 23, 2018

Progress Status

Among the projects listed in the comprehensive strategy that have set KPIs, based on the progress status as of the end of fiscal year 2016, the verification committee has classified them into three categories: "Achieved," "Expected to Achieve," and "Not Achieved." The criteria for each category are as follows.

  • Achievement: Projects that have already reached the target value for the fiscal year ending in 2019
  • Expected Achievement: Projects that are currently below KPI but are clearly expected to be achieved by the end of fiscal year 31.
  • Not Achieved: Projects that are being undertaken but have not reached the target KPI values
Comprehensive Strategy Listed Projects 48 Projects
Projects in progress as of the end of fiscal year 28 42 Projects
KPI Setting Project 34 Projects
Achievement 18 projects (53.0%)
Expected Achievement 3 projects (8.8%)
Unachieved 13 projects (38.2%)

Regarding the addition of implementation projects in the comprehensive strategy

To achieve the four basic goals set forth in the comprehensive strategy, we have steadily advanced the creation of the town, the creation of people, and the creation of jobs, and to make it sustainable, we have added three new projects.

Newly Added Projects

Basic Goal 1: Create stable employment in Inagi City
No additional projects
Basic Goal 2: Create a new flow of people to Inagi City
Establishment of the Inagi City Tourism Association and Creation of Original Marriage Registration added

Additional Projects


Establishment of the Inagi City Tourism Association To establish a tourism association that aims to develop diverse projects beyond the framework of administration, based on the basic tourism plan.
Original Marriage Registration Creation Create a new original marriage registration form with a design and carbon copy.

[Basic Goal 3] Fulfill the hopes of the younger generation for marriage, childbirth, and Parenting
No additional projects
[Basic Goal 4] Create a community that fits the times, protect a safe living environment, and connect communities
Added "Community Development for Health Promotion"

Additional Projects


Community Development for Health Promotion Using Inagi City Hospital, Health Checkup Center, and Owens Health Plaza as health hubs, we comprehensively implement projects related to "smoking cessation, dietary habits, exercise, and health checkups" aiming to extend the healthy life expectancy of citizens.

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Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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