Choco-to Mutual Aid (Tokyo Municipal Residents Traffic Disaster Mutual Aid)

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Page ID 1002586 Update DateFebruary 11, 2025

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Chocotto Kyosai is a system where residents of 39 municipalities in Tokyo contribute membership fees and can receive condolence money in the event of a traffic accident.
You can choose from two courses: Course A and Course B.

In addition to applying for membership at the counter, you can also apply for membership via the internet.

For more details, please visit the Chocotto Mutual Aid website.

Mutual Aid Compensation

List of Condolence Payments

Degree of Traffic Accidents
(Within one year from the date of the traffic accident)

Course A
(Annual fee 1,000 yen)

Course B
(Annual fee 500 yen)

Grade 1 Death 3 million yen 1.5 million yen
Grade 2 Severe Aftereffects 2 million yen 1 million yen
Grade 3 Disability with a hospitalization period of 30 days or more 340,000 yen 170,000 yen
Grade 4

Hospitalization duration of 10 days or more but less than 30 days, or
actual treatment duration of 30 days or more of disability

140,000 yen 70,000 yen
Grade 5 Disability with actual treatment days between 10 and 30 days 80,000 yen 40,000 yen
Grade 6 Disability with treatment days less than 10 days 40,000 yen 20000 yen

Mutual Aid Period

From April 1 to March 31 of the following year
Note: For enrollment after April 1, it will be effective from the day after the application for enrollment.


Those who are registered as residents of Inagi City on the start date of the mutual aid period

How to Apply

Counter or Internet

Note: Applications for the following fiscal year typically start in February.

Application Destination

Citizen Affairs Division, Hirao and Wakabadai Branch Office, banks, credit unions, and agricultural cooperatives in Inagi City (excluding Japan Post Bank)

A "Traffic Accident Certificate" is required for claiming the condolence money.
In the event of a traffic accident, no matter how minor (such as a solo bicycle accident), please be sure to notify the police station on the same day.

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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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