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Continued use of My Number Card overseas

Updated: July 3, 2024

Japanese nationals who have a My Number card and are moving overseas must complete the procedure for "continued use overseas" when submitting their moving-out notification.
Note: You must complete the procedure by the day before your planned move-out date . After the planned move-out date, you will not be able to complete the procedure for continued use overseas, and your My Number card will become invalid.
Note: Foreign nationals cannot continue using their My Number card overseas, so they must return their My Number card when they submit their moving-out notification.

Required documents

When the person or a member of the same household visits the office

(1) My Number Card (verify the four-digit PIN you set when you received your card)
(2) Identification documents for visitors (driver's license, passport, etc.) Note: Not required if the visitor is in person.

important point

  • When processing procedures for members of the same household, please bring the My Number cards of all household members and, once each member's 4-digit PIN can be verified, one household member can process all of the procedures at once ( please confirm the 4-digit PIN number with each member in advance ).
  • If you cannot enter a 4-digit PIN, you will need to reset your PIN. For details, please see "Resetting or Changing Your My Number Card (Individual Number Card) PIN."
  • The electronic signature certificate installed on your Individual Number Card will be invalidated if you move out. If you wish to have a new one issued, you will need to come to the office in person to complete the procedure.
  • However, if the procedure is done on the same day as the moving-out procedure and the necessary items are brought with them, a member of the same household may complete the procedure on your behalf. For details on the procedure, please see "Issuing a signature electronic certificate for a member of the same household (at the same time as moving overseas)" below.


When a representative (someone other than the person himself/herself or a member of the same household) visits the office

(1) Your My Number card (2) Your representative's identification document (driver's license, passport, etc.)
(3) Sealed power of attorney [Procedure for changing address and name on My Number card, for a different household] (PDF: 264KB)

important point

  • Please place the power of attorney in an envelope and seal it with glue or other means so that the representative cannot see the PIN number (the procedure cannot be completed if the envelope is brought to you unsealed or opened).
  • A staff member will open the envelope and enter the PIN number on your behalf to complete the procedure.
  • If the PIN is incorrect, the procedure cannot be completed.
  • If you wish to issue an electronic certificate for signing, the procedure will not be completed on the same day (you will need to come back to the office at a later date).
  • If you are having a representative submit the moving out notification, you will need to prepare both a "Power of attorney for moving out notification" and a "Power of attorney [My Number Card address change procedure, for different households]".


Those who issued an electronic certificate for signature

The signing certificate will be automatically revoked.
If you wish to have a new card issued, please bring your My Number card with you.
In addition, you will need to verify your My Number Card PIN (two types: a four-digit number and a digital certificate for signing) . For details, please refer to "About digital certificates for My Number Cards (personal number cards) ."

Issuance of electronic signature certificates for members of the same household (upon emigration)

A member of the same household may complete the procedure on your behalf, provided that the procedure is completed on the same day as your moving-out notification and that they bring the necessary items with them.
If the procedure cannot be completed on the same day as the moving out notification, members of the same household cannot complete the procedure.
(1) Your My Number card (2) Your representative's identification document (driver's license, passport, etc.)
(3) Sealed power of attorney [My Number Card address change procedure, same day notification, for the same household] (PDF: 289KB)

important point

  • If you are processing for multiple people, you will need a “(3) Power of Attorney [For the same household, for My Number Card address change procedures and notifications submitted on the same day]” for each person.
  • Please place the power of attorney in an envelope and seal it with glue or other means so that the representative cannot see the PIN number (the procedure cannot be completed if the envelope is brought to you unsealed or opened).
  • A staff member will open the envelope and enter the PIN number on your behalf to complete the procedure.
  • If the PIN is incorrect, the procedure cannot be completed.

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Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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