To everyone who has installed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipment

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Page ID 1002395 Update DateDecember 23, 2024

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Amendment of Regulations for Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Equipment

From December 2020 to April 2021, a series of accidents involving carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems occurred, leading to amendments in the law aimed at preventing the recurrence of such incidents.
In accordance with the legal amendments, building stakeholders are required to implement the following items 1 to 4.

1 Installation of Shut-off Valve [Related to Article 19, Paragraph 5, Item 19 (i) of the Fire Service Act Enforcement Regulations]

Note: Until March 31, 2024

Photo: Shut-off Valve (Collective Pipe)
Example of a shut-off valve installed in a collection pipe

In places where carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipment is installed, to ensure safety during construction or maintenance, if it is not installed, it is necessary to install a shut-off valve to close the piping to prevent the release of carbon dioxide.
Note: In the Inagi City area, shut-off valves are installed on all applicable objects that have carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipment.

Photo: Shut-off Valve (Control Pipe)
Example of a shut-off valve installed on the control pipe

2 New Sign Installation [Related to Article 19, Paragraph 5, Item 19 (i) of the Fire Service Act Enforcement Regulations]

Note: Until March 31, 2023

It is necessary to install signs that raise awareness of the dangers of carbon dioxide in visible locations such as entrances and exits of the following places.

  1. Location of containers that store carbon dioxide (fire extinguisher storage)
  2. Places where carbon dioxide is emitted (hereinafter referred to as "protection area")

Note: Two types of signs will be installed: illustration type (A3) and text type (A4).

Illustration: Illustration Type
Illustration Type (A3)
Illustration: Text Type
Notes (A4)

3 Matters that building personnel must maintain and manage have been added [Related to Article 19-2 of the Fire Service Act Enforcement Regulations]

Note: Until March 31, 2023

  1. If a person enters the protective area, make sure that the shut-off valve is in the closed position.
  2. If no one enters the protective area, keep the shut-off valve in the open position.
  3. For objects that automatically start, if a person enters the protective area, set the automatic manual switch device to manual mode.
  4. If extinguishing agents are released, ensure that no one enters the protective area.
  5. Near the control panel of the carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system, provide documents that specify the specific content and procedures to be taken during construction and inspection (equipment configuration diagrams, system diagrams, protective area layouts, and floor plans of storage locations for storage containers, flowcharts for automatic/manual switching operations).
Photo: Example of Closed Valve (Collective Pipe)
Example of a shut-off valve installed in a collection pipe
Photo: Confirmation example (the shut-off valve is closed at the control panel)
Example of confirming the closed state of the shut-off valve in the control panel
Photo: Example of the manual state of the switching device
Example of Manual State of Automatic/Manual Switch Device

4 Implementation of Inspections by Fire Equipment Technicians, etc. [Related to Article 36, Paragraph 2, Item 4 of the Fire Service Act Enforcement Order]

Regarding carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems (limited to total release method), it has become mandatory to have inspections conducted by qualified individuals such as fire equipment engineers or certified fire equipment inspectors, regardless of the total floor area of the building.

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Inagi City Fire Department Prevention Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0802 (Inagi Fire Station)
Phone number: 042-377-7119 Fax number: 042-377-0119
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