Discounts on Toll Road Fees

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Page ID 1003537 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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To support individuals with disabilities who use toll roads in their daily lives, such as commuting, attending school, or visiting medical facilities, toll fees will be discounted to promote independence and participation in socio-economic activities.
Note: Registration must be applied for in advance online or at the Disability Welfare Division counter. Simply possessing a disability certificate does not qualify for the discount.

Eligible Individuals

  1. In the case where the person who received the Physical Disability Certificate is driving
  2. When a person other than the disabled individual drives, and the individual holds a Type 1 certificate (Physical Disability Certificate, Love Certificate).
  • Note: Only individuals holding a Type 2 Physical Disability Certificate may drive themselves.
  • Note: Applications are possible even if you do not own a car.

Discount Rate

50% off the regular price

Validity Period

  1. For new applicants, until the second birthday from the date of application
  2. For those applying for an update, until the third birthday from the date of application
  • Note: Update applications can be made from two months before the discount expiration date.
  • Note: For those whose Physical Disability Certificate has a specified re-certification date that is earlier than the above dates 1 and 2, that date will be the expiration date for the expressway discount.

Details of the System

For detailed information about the system, please visit the expressway company's website.

Online Application

Those using ETC (non-stop driving) can apply online. For the online application procedure, please check the "Online Application Reception Site" above. Please note that online applications require the information from the Physical Disability Certificate to be linked to the My Number Portal, so please confirm in advance whether the information from the Physical Disability Certificate and the Love Handicapped Certificate (Child Rehabilitation Certificate) of the applicant is linked on the My Number Portal website.

Application Method and Required Documents at the Counter

Please submit the following documents (pre-application is required).

Persons showing their notebooks for passage

  1. Physical Disability Certificate, Love Certificate
  2. Driver's License (for those driving themselves only)

Those using ETC for passage

  1. Physical Disability Certificate, Love Certificate
  2. Vehicle Inspection Certificate (Please bring the vehicle inspection record or the vehicle inspection viewing app due to digitization)
  3. Driver's License (for those driving themselves only)
  4. ETC Card (in principle, in the name of the person with a disability)
  5. ETC Vehicle On-Board Unit Setup Application Form / Certificate

When using toll roads, please present the relevant sections of your Physical Disability Certificate to the toll collector at the toll booth. For those using ETC, the discount will apply after you receive a notification of "Registration Results" from the highway company.

Note: If there are any changes to the registered vehicle number, onboard unit number, or ETC card number, an application for change is required.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division