NHK Reception Fee Exemption

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Page ID 1003540 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Please bring each certificate and seal to the Disability Welfare section to receive the certificate, and then either mail it to the NHK office or submit it to the collection agent for the reception fee. The reduction will take effect from the month the certificate arrives.

Full exemption

Households where all members hold a Physical Disability Certificate, Love Certificate, or Mental Disability Health and Welfare Certificate are exempt from Municipal Resident Tax.

Half Price Exemption

If the head of the household, who is the contractor, has the following disabilities

  1. Visual and Hearing Disabilities Level 1 to Level 6
  2. Physical disabilities of grade 1 and 2 other than 1
  3. Love Handbook Level 1 & 2
  4. Mental Disability Welfare Handbook Level 1

Contact Us

NHK Nishitokyo Sales Center
2-22-20 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa City, 12th Floor, Tachikawa Center Building
Phone: 042-528-6000

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Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division