Disability Welfare Allowance for Children

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Page ID 1003527 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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Eligible Individuals

Individuals under 20 years old who have severe mental or physical disabilities and require constant care in their daily lives.

Amount Granted

Monthly amount: 15,690 yen (revised from April 2024)
Payments for three months up to the previous month will be made around the 10th of May, August, November, and February.
(There are some exceptions for those who are newly certified or have lost their qualifications.)

Degree of Disability Subject to Eligibility

Those who fall under any of the following disabilities (Table 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Act on the Payment of Special Child Allowance, etc.)

  1. Those with a visual acuity of 0.02 or less in each eye
  2. A level of hearing loss in both ears where speech cannot be recognized even with the use of hearing aids
  3. Those with significant disabilities in the function of both upper limbs
  4. Missing all fingers of both upper limbs
  5. Completely deprived of the use of both lower limbs
  6. Those who have lost more than half of both thighs
  7. Those with a disability that prevents them from sitting with core function.
  8. In addition to the items listed above, conditions that require long-term rest or have functional disabilities of the body that are recognized to be at least equivalent to the above items, to the extent that they render daily life impossible.
  9. A mental disability that is recognized to be at least at the same level as the previous items
  10. In cases where there are overlapping physical disabilities or medical conditions, or mental disabilities, and the condition is recognized to be at least at the same level as the previous items.

(Note) Vision measurement will be conducted using the international standard vision chart, and for those with refractive errors, it will be measured using corrected vision.

Payment Restrictions

Those who fall under any of the following categories are not eligible to apply or receive benefits. For more details, please contact the Disability Welfare Division.

  1. Those whose income exceeds the income limit (Note)
  2. Individuals residing in the facility
  3. Those receiving public pensions due to disability

Note: Whether or not the income limit is exceeded will be determined based on the amount deducted from the income of the individual and their dependents. For more details, please refer to the income limit table and deduction amount table below.

Number of Dependents Individual Spouse and Dependents

0 people

3,604,000 yen

6,287,000 yen

1 person

3,984,000 yen

6,536,000 yen

2 people

4,364,000 yen

6,749,000 yen

3 people

4,744,000 yen

6,962,000 yen

4 people

5,124,000 yen

7,175,000 yen

5 people

5,504,000 yen

7,388,000 yen

If you meet the following conditions, you can receive an increase in the limit amount.

  1. If there are elderly deduction eligible spouses or elderly dependents among the dependents, an additional 100,000 yen will be added to the maximum amount for the eligible recipient for each person.
  2. When there are specific dependents such as dependents, an additional 250,000 yen will be added to the maximum amount for the eligible recipient for each person.
  3. When there are elderly dependents among the dependents, an additional 60,000 yen will be added to the limit for the support obligor for each elderly dependent (excluding one elderly dependent if there are no other dependents).
Types of Deductions Personal Deduction Amount Spouse and Dependent Obligors Notes
Amount of Miscellaneous Loss Deduction

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Deduction Amount for Medical Expenses

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Deduction Amount for Small Business Mutual Aid Contributions

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Special Spousal Deduction Amount

Equivalent amount

Equivalent amount

Up to 330,000 yen
Social Insurance Premium Deduction Amount

Equivalent amount

80,000 yen

Disability Deduction (Self)


270,000 yen

Disability Deduction (Dependent Relatives and Dependent Spouses)

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Special Disability Deduction (Self)


400,000 yen

Special Disability Deduction (Dependent Relatives and Dependent Spouses)

400,000 yen

400,000 yen

Widow's Deduction

270,000 yen

270,000 yen

Single Parent Deduction

350,000 yen

350,000 yen

Working Student Deduction

270,000 yen

270,000 yen


Deductions will be made from the income of the individual and their dependents for the above items, and an income assessment will be conducted.

Required Items for Application

The documents required for the application are as follows. The forms for each document are available at the Disability Welfare Division counter.

Submission by Everyone

  1. Disability Welfare Child Allowance Certification Application
  2. Disability Welfare Child Allowance Income Status Report
  3. Disability Welfare Child Allowance Certification Diagnosis (Designated Format)
  4. Application for Direct Debit of Special Disability Allowance (Please specify the account in the name of the applicant)
  • Note: Those who receive the Severe Physical and Mental Disability Allowance do not need a medical certificate.
  • Note: There are fields to enter your personal number (My Number) in items 1 and 2.

Submit if applicable

  1. Application for Dependent Relatives Eligible for Deductions Aged 16 to Under 19
  2. (Non) Taxation Certificate
    Note: The (Non) Taxation Certificate can be abbreviated by entering the personal number (My Number) in 1 and 2.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division