Demolition and Renovation Work of Buildings

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Page ID 1005388 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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From October 2023, a qualification will be required for asbestos pre-investigation during the demolition and renovation of buildings.

Starting from October 1, 2023, for construction work involving the demolition of buildings, it will be mandatory to conduct a pre-investigation for asbestos by qualified personnel. This requirement applies not only to demolition work but also to renovation work such as remodeling and repairs, as well as installation, removal, and repair of building equipment.

Persons who can conduct preliminary surveys (necessary qualifications)

1. Persons who have completed the training for investigators of building materials containing asbestos

  • Investigator of Asbestos-Containing Materials in Specific Buildings
  • Investigator of Asbestos-Containing Building Materials in General Buildings
  • Investigator of Asbestos-Containing Building Materials for Detached Houses (Limited to the interior of residential units in detached houses and apartment buildings)

2. Those who were registered with the Japan Asbestos Survey and Diagnosis Association before September 30, 2023, and are still registered at the time of conducting the preliminary survey.

To obtain a qualification

To obtain the necessary qualifications for the preliminary survey, it is required to take and complete the "Surveyor Training for Asbestos-Containing Building Materials" conducted by a registered training organization. Please check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's website for registered training organizations that hold the training. If you have any questions about the training, please contact the registered training organization directly.

As of April 2022, the reporting of asbestos preliminary survey results has become mandatory.

Contractors engaged in the demolition and renovation of buildings are required to conduct a preliminary survey on the presence of asbestos-containing building materials in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act, and report the results to the prefectures and other relevant authorities.
Additionally, regarding health, it is necessary to report to the Labor Standards Inspection Office based on the Asbestos Hazard Prevention Regulations.
The report of the preliminary survey results must be registered with gBizID and, in principle, there is an obligation to report through the electronic system "Asbestos Preliminary Survey Result Reporting System" managed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (from April 1, 2022).
You can report online 24 hours a day from a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and you can report to both the prefectures and the Labor Standards Inspection Office in one operation, so please make use of this.

Report Target of Preliminary Survey Results

The report on the results of the preliminary investigation of asbestos applies to any of the following construction projects (starting on or after April 1, 2022), including renovations and demolition work of private homes.

Construction Subject to Reporting

  • Construction work involving the demolition of buildings, where the total floor area subject to the work is 80 square meters or more
  • Construction work that involves remodeling or repairing a building, where the total amount of the contract for such work is 1 million yen or more
  • Construction work that involves the demolition, modification, or repair of structures (Ministry of the Environment Notification No. 77, October 7, 2020), where the total amount of the contract for such work is 1 million yen or more.

Note: Even for construction other than the above, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary survey and preserve the survey results during the demolition or renovation of buildings, etc.

Method of Reporting

Obtain Login Account

To use the electronic system, registration for "gBizID" is required.
Therefore, as a preparatory step, it is necessary to obtain an account for "gBizID".

Notification (Air Pollution Control Act / Environmental Protection Ordinance)

When carrying out demolition, modification, or repair work on buildings that use asbestos-containing spray materials or insulation materials, it is necessary to submit the "Notification of Implementation of Specific Dust Emission Work" based on the Air Pollution Control Act.
Additionally, if any of the following scale requirements apply, it is also necessary to submit the "Notification of Asbestos Emission Prevention Method Plan" based on the Environmental Conservation Ordinance.

  1. The area of asbestos-containing spray materials used is 15 square meters or more
  2. Total floor area of buildings (for structures other than buildings, the constructed area) is 500 square meters or more

Method of Notification

The deadline for notification is 14 days before starting the work.
Depending on the scale of the building, the notification destination may vary.

Notification Destination

For buildings with a total floor area of 2,000 square meters or more, or in the case of structures

Tokyo Tama Environment Office Air Quality Division
Postal Code: 190-0022
4-6-3 Nishikicho, Tachikawa City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-523-0238

If the total floor area of the target building is less than 2,000 square meters

Living Environment Division, Urban Environment Management Department, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111

Guidelines for Preventing Asbestos Dispersion in Inagi City

To ensure the health of citizens and a safe living environment, the city has established guidelines for preventing the dispersion of asbestos in construction work involving the demolition of buildings that use sprayed asbestos or asbestos-containing molded boards.
In addition to regulations and notifications under the Air Pollution Control Act, the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance for the Health and Safety of Citizens, and the Asbestos Hazard Prevention Regulations, it is necessary to inform neighboring residents and notify the city.
When carrying out demolition work on buildings and structures containing asbestos, please read the guidelines carefully and, if necessary, inform neighboring residents and notify the city.

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