Report on Asbestos Survey Results of Municipal Buildings

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Page ID 1005390 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The city conducted an investigation into the use of asbestos in buildings owned by the city, such as the city hall, Elementary and Junior High Schools, and the Cultural Center in 1987. Based on the results, removal work was carried out to ensure the safety of the facilities.
After that, in accordance with the amendments to asbestos-related laws and regulations, an investigation was conducted on the presence of asbestos-containing spray materials in city-owned buildings to ensure safety.
As a result of the initial drawing survey and on-site inspection, it was found that there were no facilities using highly dispersible "sprayed asbestos". However, it was discovered that "sprayed rock wool" and "other spray materials (such as sprayed pumice)" that needed confirmation of whether they contained asbestos were used in 7 facilities and 6 facilities, respectively. In the fiscal year 2008, an asbestos-containing survey was conducted, and it was confirmed that none of the facilities contained asbestos.
However, in the fiscal year 2012, during the design commission for the large-scale renovation work of the Second Cultural Center, another asbestos-containing survey was conducted, and asbestos exceeding the standard value of 0.1% weight ratio was detected from the "sprayed rock wool" in the stage ceiling of the second-floor large hall.
Therefore, the city immediately reviewed the previous investigations and conducted another asbestos-containing survey, confirming that no asbestos was present in other facilities except for the second-floor large hall of the Second Cultural Center.
The "sprayed rock wool" in the second-floor large hall of the Second Cultural Center was properly removed and disposed of in accordance with relevant laws and regulations during the large-scale renovation work carried out in the fiscal year 2013.

Survey Results

(1) Sprayed Asbestos

No facilities available

(2) Sprayed Rock Wool

Second Cultural Center (Removal completed in FY 2013)
No asbestos contained
City Hall garage building, Fire Department building, Nagamine Elementary School, Comprehensive Gymnasium, Central Cultural Center, Third Cultural Center

(3) Other Sprayed Materials (such as Sprayed Pumice)

No asbestos present
Welfare Center, Inagi Dai 1 Elementary School, Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School, Comprehensive Ground, Central Cultural Center, City Hospital Nurse Dormitory

(4) Insulation for Steel Plate Roofs

Hirao Elementary School (Removal completed in 2005)

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