Frequently Asked Questions (Emergency)

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Page ID 1001530 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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QuestionWhat should I convey when reporting incidents such as fires or emergencies?


When calling 119, please calmly convey the following information clearly.

  1. First, clearly state whether it is a fire or an emergency.
    Example: "There is a fire." "It is an emergency."
  2. Please provide the location (address, landmarks), name, and phone number accurately.
    Example: "2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi Fire Station, is ○○. The phone number is 042-377-7119."
  3. Description of the fire (where and how much), condition of injuries or illnesses (where and since when) will be answered.
    Example: "A cafeteria is burning on the ○○ floor of the ○○ building." "A passenger car and a 50cc motorcycle collided in front of ○○, and a ○○-year-old man is injured."
  4. I will answer whether there are people who were delayed in escaping.

Note: If you do not know the address while you are out, please provide nearby landmarks such as the address of a utility pole, a notable building (public building, convenience store, bus stop), or an intersection.

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Inagi City Fire Department Fire Suppression Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0802 (Inagi Fire Station)
Phone number: 042-377-7119 Fax number: 042-377-0119
Contact Inagi City Fire Department Fire Suppression Division