(March 23, 2018) Agreement for the Inagi City Older Adults Monitoring Network Project for Fiscal Year 2017

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Page ID 1009460 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 4

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In Inagi City, we are working on the "Older Adults Monitoring Network Project" to ensure that older adults can continue to live safely in their familiar communities.
This project involves residents and private business operators (stores, financial institutions, workplaces in the city, etc. excluding nursing care providers) reporting any unusual occurrences they notice in their daily lives or business activities to City Hall or the Community General Support Center, which will lead to appropriate support such as safety checks.
We held a signing ceremony for the agreement with business operators who can cooperate with this "Older Adults Monitoring Network Project" in fiscal year 2017.

Implementation Date and Location

Implementation Date: March 23, 2018 (Friday) from 11:00 AM
Location: 4th Floor, Community Promotion Plaza, Inagi City, Large Conference Room

Agreement Signing Ceremony for the Inagi City Older Adults Monitoring Network Project

Business Operators who attended the agreement signing (in order of the Japanese syllabary, without honorifics)

  • Obousan.com Co., Ltd.
  • Yutaka Co., Ltd.

We have received greetings from the above 2 Business Operators.

In addition, we have concluded agreements with the following three Business Operators this fiscal year.

  • Western Confectionery Workshop Pan Y Vino
  • Kotaro Juku Inagi Classroom
  • Whip Co., Ltd.
Photo: Signing Ceremony 1
Scene of the signing ceremony
Photo: Signing Ceremony 2
Signing Ceremony Group Photo
Photo: Greetings from Mr. Kawamoto, Obousan.com Co., Ltd.
Obousan.com Co., Ltd. Greeting from Mr. Kawamoto
Photo: Greeting from Mr. Masuda, Yutaka Co., Ltd.
Greetings from Mr. Masuda of Yutaka Co., Ltd.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division