(December 13, 2013) Agreement signed between Tokyo Verdy, the Mayor of Inagi City, and Oens Co., Ltd.

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Page ID 1004099 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 4

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Photo: Scene of the Agreement 1
From the left: Verdy-kun, President Oki (Oens), Mayor Takahashi, President Hanyu (Tokyo Verdy), Inagi Nashinosuke

It was agreed that medical checks necessary for player registration and participation in matches for players belonging to Tokyo Verdy and Nippon TV Beleza would be conducted at Inagi City Hospital (Health Check Center) starting from the 2014 season. Additionally, an agreement was made to conclude a usage contract for Owens Health Plaza (Inagi City Health Plaza) as health support for players and staff of teams belonging to Tokyo Verdy 1969 Football Club, including Tokyo Verdy, Tokyo Verdy Youth, Tokyo Verdy Junior Youth, Tokyo Verdy Junior, Nippon TV Beleza, and Nippon TV Menina, among others. The basic agreement was concluded on December 13, 2013, at the Mayor's Office.
Inagi City will continue to support Tokyo Verdy as a united community.

Photo: Scene of the Agreement 2
We also received words from President Hanyu
Photo: Scene of the Agreement 3
Inagi City will continue to support Tokyo Verdy as a united community.

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