Application for Temporary Vehicle Operation Permit (Temporary Number)

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Page ID 1002587 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Temporary Vehicle Operation Permit (Provisional Number) System

This is a system that temporarily allows operation on public roads for the purpose defined by the Road Transport Vehicle Act, such as transporting vehicles that have expired inspections to the transport bureau or inspection registration office for inspection.
Due to the nature of this system, which is an exceptional treatment under the automobile inspection registration system, permission is generally granted only once per vehicle. Subsequent applications for the same vehicle are not permitted in principle.

Purpose of Operation Subject to This System

  • Transfer for Registration
  • Transportation for Receiving Inspection
  • Transport for vehicle maintenance based on the premise of undergoing inspection
  • Delivery for Vehicle Transfer
  • Change and reissue of vehicle registration number plates
  • Transport for Re-sealing
  • Transport for sale, transport for photography, etc. (Subject to inspection and registration)
  • Note: In the case of transportation for sale, a "Secondhand Dealer License" and a "Operation Plan (documents for the destination, etc.)" are required.
  • Note: In the case of a return trip for filming, permission is only possible for filming vehicles on public roads. A "Road Use Permit" is required.


Permission can be granted if the starting point, waypoints, and destination are the shortest route and Inagi City is included within that route.

Required Items for Application

  1. Temporary Vehicle Operation Permit Application Form
  2. Documents that can confirm the vehicle (copies allowed)
    (e.g.) Vehicle Inspection Certificate, Limited Vehicle Inspection Certificate, Cancellation Registration Certificate, Vehicle Inspection Certificate Return Certificate, Customs Certificate, Completion Inspection Completion Certificate, etc.
  3. Automobile Liability Insurance (Mutual Aid) Certificate (Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance) Original(Copy not allowed)
    (Note) Valid only during the operation period
  4. Identification documents (such as driver's license)
  5. Fee 750 yen (per case)
  6. Other supporting documents, etc. (For details, please see the table below)
Required Items for Application
  Supporting Documents (Required Documents) Notes
Return for Sale
  • Secondhand Dealer License
  • Operation Plan (Documents for Return Destination, etc.)

Transfer for filming

  • Road Use Permit
  • Public RoadPermission is only possible for filming with production vehicles.
  • When driving a production vehicle on private land, it does not fall under the "operation" as defined by the Road Transport Vehicle Act, so a number plate is not required.
  • Permission cannot be granted for the purpose of transporting theatrical vehicles to private property.
When applying for the same vehicle for the second time or later
  • Statement of Reasons
  • (Documents that clarify the reasons for requesting a second or subsequent application)
  • Applications for the same vehicle after the second time are generally not permitted.
  • In addition to the reason statement, you may need supporting documents that clarify the reasons for your application.
  • Note: Depending on the application details, there may be inquiries regarding the purpose of operation, the route of operation, and the schedule of operation. Additionally, supplementary documents to clarify the route of operation may be required.
  • Note: If there are unclear points in the application content and the result of the examination does not recognize it as a legitimate application, the application cannot be approved.
  • Note: Please check below for frequently asked questions regarding the application.

Application Date

On the Day of Operation
However, if the operation date falls on a closed day, it can be borrowed on the previous open day.
Note: Temporary numbers must be applied for on the day of operation after planning the operation in advance.

Operation Period

Theminimum necessary days to achieve the purpose of operation (from 1 day to 5 days).
The operation period for registration, inspection, seal attachment, reissuance, disposal, etc. isgenerally 1 day.

  • Note: Due to the system, we cannot lend with a buffer of days.
  • Note: Depending on the results of the review, there may be changes to the operation period from the time of application.

About Application and Return

Application Location and Date

Citizen Affairs Division Citizen Service Section (Weekdays only: 8:30 AM to noon, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)

  • Note: Services are not available at the Branch Office.
  • Note: Applications cannot be submitted on holidays when the office is open.

Return Location and Date/Time

Citizen Affairs Division Citizen Service Section (Weekdays: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Holiday Service Counter: 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM)

  • Note:If you return outside of the above hours, it is also possible to return to the City Hall night duty.
  • Note: If it is difficult to return due to distance, return by courier service is also possible.

Return Documents

Both the license plate and the permit

Return Deadline

After the operation period ends, within 5 days from the end date

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

For frequently asked questions about temporary numbers, please check the file below.


About Operations

  • Please display the permit in a visible position on the dashboard or other front areas while operating the vehicle.
  • License plates and permits may only be used for authorized vehicles, purposes, routes, and periods of operation.
  • Please securely attach and display the license plate in a visible position on the front and rear of the authorized vehicle using bolts, wires, or other means to prevent it from falling off.
  • Please carry your Automobile Liability Insurance (Mutual Aid) Certificate (Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance).
  • Please be careful not to lose or have your permit and number plate stolen. In the event of loss, please contact us and also make a Notification to the local police.

About Penalties

  • If you violate the notes regarding 'Operation' and the return documents or return deadlines, you may be punished with imprisonment for up to 6 months or a fine of up to 300,000 yen in accordance with Article 108, Item 1 of the Road Transport Vehicle Act.
  • If you provide information that differs from the facts regarding the purpose, route, and operation purpose at the time of application, you will be subject to imprisonment for up to 1 year or a fine of up to 500,000 yen in accordance with the provisions of Article 107, Item 1 of the same law.

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Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Citizen Affairs Division