Support for Neighborhood Association Activities

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Page ID 1003003 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The city has established various systems to support Neighborhood Association activities. For details, please contact the relevant department in charge of each project.

Subsidies for Neighborhood Association Administrative Expenses

Illustration: Circular Notice

The city requests various administrative tasks such as postings and circulars from the Neighborhood Association. As a subsidy related to these tasks, we provide each Neighborhood Association with an amount calculated by multiplying the number of households in the Basic Resident Register as of April 1st in their area by 130 yen, which is given as a subsidy for Neighborhood Association-related administrative expenses. Additionally, some Neighborhood Associations receive a grant of 80,000 yen as assistance to the fire brigade.
When providing these funds, we will inform each Neighborhood Association of the amount to be granted around May to June each year and request the submission of an invoice, so please respond when the notification is sent.

Contact Information

General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section

Subsidy for Construction Costs of Neighborhood Association Meeting Facilities

Illustration: Repair

We will subsidize part of the costs for the construction of meeting facilities by Neighborhood Associations, with the aim of promoting the improvement of local residents' autonomy through the enhancement of meeting facilities.
The subsidy applies to new construction, expansion, renovation, and repair of meeting facilities established by Neighborhood Associations (with a cost of 200,000 yen or more per project), covering up to two-thirds of the construction costs within the budget. For new construction, the maximum construction cost is 10 million yen, while for expansion, renovation, and repair, the maximum construction cost is 3 million yen. (For amounts exceeding these limits, the subsidy will be up to the maximum construction cost.)
To utilize the subsidy program, prior application is required. However, due to budget considerations, we inquire each Neighborhood Association in early July every year regarding requests for construction cost subsidies for the following fiscal year. If you have any requests, please respond accordingly.


Contact Information

General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section

Subsidy for Installation Costs of Neighborhood Association Security Cameras

Illustration: Security Camera

In order to further foster community development and contribute to creating a safe and secure living environment, we will subsidize part of the costs for the installation of security cameras for neighborhood watch activities conducted by Neighborhood Associations.
The subsidy standard amount will be the smaller of the amount obtained by multiplying the planned number of security cameras to be installed by 600,000 yen, or 5,144,571 yen. We will subsidize 11/12 of the subsidy standard amount (rounded down to the nearest 1,000 yen), with Tokyo providing 7/12 and Inagi City providing 4/12, within the budget limits.
Utilization of the subsidy program requires prior application; however, due to budget considerations, we will inquire each Neighborhood Association in early July every year regarding requests for the following year's security camera installation subsidy. If you have any requests, please respond accordingly.


Contact Information

General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section

Subsidy for Operating Expenses of Neighborhood Association Security Cameras

Photo: Electricity Bill

In order to further promote community development and contribute to creating a safe and secure living environment, we will subsidize part of the operating expenses (electricity fees and usage fees) for security cameras used in community watch activities established and managed by the Neighborhood Association.
For the operating expenses related to the security cameras established and managed by the Neighborhood Association, the subsidy will cover up to 4,000 yen per camera for electricity fees and up to 3,000 yen per camera for usage fees (expenses paid to the owner or rights holder for using or renting the location necessary for installing security cameras on utility poles, etc.), with 5/6 of the subsidy standard amount (rounded down to the nearest 1,000 yen) being subsidized by Tokyo (3/6) and Inagi City (2/6) within the budget limits.
All security cameras installed using the Inagi City Neighborhood Association Security Camera Installation Subsidy will be eligible for the subsidy program.

Contact Information

General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division General Affairs Section

Resource Waste Group Collection Subsidy

Illustration: Resource Waste

Group collection refers to activities where local organizations such as Neighborhood Associations voluntarily decide on collection locations and frequencies, and hand over recyclable materials (such as used paper) to collection contractors.
The city provides subsidies to registered implementing organizations that carry out group collection, based on the amount collected.
For more details, please check the following link.

Contact Information

Urban Environment Management Department Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section

Community Resilience Development Project Subsidy

Tokyo Metropolitan Government is implementing the "Community Resilience Revitalization Project Grant" to support initiatives (events, activities, etc.) organized by Neighborhood Associations that address local issues.
Please check the link or file below for the eligible initiatives and the maximum grant amount.

Contact Information

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Citizens' Life Department, Community Activities Promotion Division, Community Activities Support Section
Phone: 03-5388-3166

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Inagi City General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division