Developmental Support Project for Children with Moderate Hearing Impairment (Subsidy for Hearing Aid Purchase)
For children with moderate hearing loss who are not eligible for the Physical Disability Certificate (Hearing Impairment), we provide assistance for a portion of the purchase cost of hearing aids to promote the improvement of language acquisition, daily living skills, and communication abilities through the use of hearing aids.
If you wish to use this service, please be sure to consult the Disability Welfare Division in advance.
About the Target Audience
Those who meet any of the following criteria
- Children under 18 years old residing in Inagi City
- Hearing ability in both ears is generally above 30 decibels, and it is not a hearing ability that qualifies for the issuance of a Physical Disability Certificate (Hearing Impairment).
- Children for whom a doctor determines that certain effects, such as language acquisition, can be expected from the use of hearing aids.
Standard Amount
144,900 yen
- Note: In principle, assistance is provided for one ear. If it is deemed particularly necessary and effective for educational or living purposes, assistance may be provided for both ears.
- Note: Costs related to repair expenses are not included.
- Note: The cost of accessories (wireless microphone, receiver, audio shoe) may also be covered.
About the Burden Amount
For taxable households, 10% of the lesser amount between the standard price of the hearing aid and the purchase cost will be the user's burden. Non-taxable households have no user burden. Additionally, any amount exceeding the standard price will be fully borne by the individual.
About the Application
Please submit the necessary documents below to the Disability Welfare Division.
- Hearing Aid Purchase Subsidy Application Form
- Opinion Statement for Hearing Aid Purchase Subsidy
- Estimate created by the Business Operators selling hearing aids (based on the Opinion Statement)
- Note: If you are applying, please be sure to consult with the Disability Welfare Division in advance.
- Note: Please be aware that if you apply after purchase, we will not be able to provide support.
Contact for Application Inquiries
Disability Welfare Division
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 230)
Fax: 042-378-5677
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division