To the disaster victims and evacuees living in Inagi City Information on living support 

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Page ID 1003596 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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We sincerely extend our sympathies to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and those who are evacuating due to the nuclear power plant accident.
In Inagi City, we have created a "Guide to Living Support" to provide information on health maintenance, living assistance, and employment support for those who have evacuated to the city.
We hope this will be helpful for your future living.

About Medical Care (Exemption from Out-of-Pocket Expenses at Medical Institutions)

Eligible Individuals

  1. Disaster victims from the former evacuation advisory areas, excluding difficult-to-return zones and higher income groups
  2. Disaster victims from the upper income group in the former designated reconstruction and revitalization base area, whose designation was lifted during the 2023 fiscal year.

Exemption Deadline

  1. February 28, 2025
  2. September 30, 2024

Note: For more details, please contact the relevant department.


Insurance and Pension Division Phone 042-378-2111
National Health Insurance Section (Extension 144・145・146), Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care Section (Extension 147・148・149)

About Health

1 Maternal and Child Health Checkup

You can receive this in Inagi City, so please contact us in advance.


Inagi City Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center (Parent and Child Comprehensive Support Center Division) 112-1 Momura, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-3434 Fax: 042-377-4944

2 Children's Vaccination

You can receive this in Inagi City, so please contact us in advance.


Inagi City Health Center (Health Division) 112-1 Momura, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-3421 Fax: 042-377-4944

3 Dog Registration and Rabies Vaccination

There is a waiver for the issuance fee of the dog registration tag and rabies vaccination certificate, so please contact us in advance.


Inagi City Health Center (Health Division) 112-1 Momura, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-3421 Fax: 042-377-4944

4 Adult Health Checkups such as Cancer Screenings

You can receive this in Inagi City, so please contact us in advance.


Inagi City Health Center (Health Division) 112-1 Momura, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-3421 Fax: 042-377-4944

Parenting and Education

1 Various Allowances, Assistance for Medical Expenses, etc.

  • Child Allowance, etc. (including allowances for children with disabilities and single-parent families) refers to allowances related to children.
  • The subsidy system for medical expenses incurred for children.

Please contact the office for information on how to receive benefits at the evacuation site.


Child Care Support Division Allowance Subsidy Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 232・236)

2 Childcare Center Admission

For inquiries regarding admission to the Childcare Center, please contact the relevant department.


Child Care Support Division Nursery School / Kindergarten Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 233・234)

3 After-School Childcare Program Admission

For inquiries regarding the After-School Childcare Program admission, please contact the relevant department.


Children and Youth Division Children's Center / After-School Childcare Program Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 242・243)

4 Parenting Consultation

Please feel free to consult us about your concerns and worries regarding parenting.


Child and Family Support Center Phone 042-378-6366
Koyodai Play Space Phone 042-370-0106

5 Transfer and Enrollment in Elementary and Junior High Schools, Assistance for Educational Expenses

Inquiries and applications regarding the transfer procedures for municipal elementary and junior high schools and support systems for educational expenses


Academic Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Section, Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension: 652・653)

6 Education and School Consultation

Consultation on children's emotional stability and care


Inagi City Education Center Friend Hirao Educational Consultation Room Phone 042-331-6686
Educational Consultation Room Branch Phone 042-378-2110
Note: Applications are also accepted by email. Email (

Consultation for enrollment of children with physical and mental disabilities


Inagi City Education Center Special Support Education Consultation Room Phone 042-331-7302
Notes: Applications by email are also accepted. Email (

7 Library Use

You can borrow library materials.


Central Library Phone 042-378-7111
First Library Phone 042-377-2123
Second Library Phone 042-377-1866
Third Library Phone 042-331-1439
Fourth Library Phone 042-378-2401
i Plaza Library Phone 042-331-1731

About Persons with Disabilities

If you have a disability, please feel free to consult us about matters related to the "handbook" or "Disability Welfare services in general."


Disability Welfare Division Disability Welfare Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 224・226・229・230)

About Older Adults

1 Long-Term Care Insurance

  • Even if you lose your Long-Term Care Insurance Card, you can still receive care services. There may also be cases where you do not need to pay for the care service usage fee (your share). Please consult us.
  • There may be cases where Long-Term Care Insurance premiums are reduced or exempted. Please consult us.


Senior Welfare Division Long-Term Care Insurance Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 282・283)

2 Consultation

If you have concerns about caregiving, welfare, or medical issues, and are unsure where to seek advice, or if you have difficulties in your daily life, please feel free to consult with us.


Senior Welfare Division Community Support Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 227・228)

About garbage and diaper collection bags

1 Garbage Designated Collection Bag

Based on applications made every three months, we will distribute up to 30 burnable garbage bags, 8 non-burnable garbage bags, and 15 plastic garbage bags.
Please bring documents that indicate your address at the time of the disaster, such as a "disaster certificate."

2 Diaper-Specific Bags

  • Infants and Young Children under 4 years old (including those who have a maternal and child health handbook and receive it before childbirth)
  • Older Adults aged 65 and over
  • Persons with a Disability Certificate
  • Others using disposable diapers

For those who fall under any of the above categories, we will distribute up to 30 diaper-specific bags per application.


Living Environment Division Waste and Recycling Section Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 302・303・304)

Exemption of Water and Sewerage Fees

For details on how to apply, please contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau Tama Customer Center.

Content of Exemption

  • Water supply fees: Reduction of the total amount of basic fees and usage fees for up to 10 cubic meters per month.
  • Sewerage Fee: Full exemption of the fee related to wastewater discharge of 8 cubic meters or less per month (basic usage fee)

Application Deadline

March 31, 2025

Documents Required for Application

Documents that indicate your address during a disaster (such as disaster certificates)


Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau Tama Customer Center
Phone: 0570-091-100 (Navi Dial) or 042-548-5110
Note: Open from 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM, excluding Sundays and holidays

Exemption from Fees for Certificates such as Copies of the Certificate of Residence

Exemption from fees for copies of the Certificate of Residence, seal registration certificate, and certificates based on the Family Register Act.
Those who have a "Disaster Certificate" can bring it, or those who do not have it can be exempted by providing their previous address, name, date of birth, etc.
However, this exemption does not apply to convenience store issuance.


Citizen Affairs Division Phone 042-378-2111 Citizen Window Section (Extension 132), Family Registry Section (Extension 133)
Hirao Branch Office Phone 042-331-6346
Wakabadai Branch Office Phone 042-350-6321

Support for Living and Work

1 Comprehensive Welfare Living Window

If you are in need of assistance, please consult the Social Welfare Comprehensive Consultation Center.


Livelihood Welfare Division Comprehensive Welfare Living Window Phone 042-378-2111 (Extension 209)

2 Job Search

The Tokyo Employment Center Tama provides employment support, job placement, and other services through employment support advisors.


Tokyo Employment Center Tama Phone 042-526-4510

Hatsuratsu Work Inagi is a free employment agency targeting individuals aged 55 and over, operated by the Inagi City Social Welfare Council with the permission of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, and with support from Tokyo and Inagi City, providing employment consultation and job placement services.


Hatsuratsu Work Inagi (4th floor, Community Promotion Plaza) Phone 042-379-1333

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Welfare Department Livelihood Welfare Division