Yomiuri Giants player Shogo Asano pays a courtesy visit to the mayor

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Page ID 1010941 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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Photo: Courtesy visit on November 21

On November 21 (Thursday), Shogo Asano, a player of the Yomiuri Giants who serves as a PR supporter for Inagi City, paid a courtesy visit to Mayor of Inagi City Takahashi to report on the conclusion of the 2024 season.

This was the first courtesy visit to our city after being appointed as a PR supporter of Inagi City on March 1, 2024.

Player Asano reported, "In August, I received pears from Inagi City, and I ate them every day in the dormitory, which improved my condition." Mayor Takahashi expressed gratitude for the cooperation as a PR supporter and sent words of encouragement for the next season, and finally, the city staff sent him off with applause.

Photo: Shogo Asano
Shogo Asano speaks with a tense expression
Photo: Farewell Scene
I was seen off by the city staff
Photo: Tourism Association Secretary General and Shogo Asano
Presentation of "Inagi's Old Tales Manju" from the Tourism Association
Photo: Taken with the city hall banner in the background
Banners have been displayed at the city hall.

In March 2025, a new stadium "Giants Town Stadium" (abbreviated as G Town) will open in the Minamiyama area of Inagi City.
In the future, Inagi City will continue to work on vibrant Community Development together with the Yomiuri Giants.

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Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Tourism Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Tourism Division