Yomiuri Giants streetlight flags have been installed

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Page ID 1004080 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Photo: Streetlight Flag
Installed Flag

The "TOKYO GIANTS TOWN" planned in the Minamiyama area is scheduled to open the new GIANTS stadium in March 2025. Inagi City is working with three companies: the Yomiuri Giants, Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Headquarters, and Yomiuri Land, to promote various initiatives to build momentum.

As part of this initiative, streetlight flags have been installed around the Yomiuri Giants Stadium and Inagi Central Park baseball field. The design features the 90th anniversary logo of the Yomiuri Giants.

In preparation for the opening of the new GIANTS stadium, we aim to further invigorate the entire city.

Yomiuri Giants Streetlight Flag Installation Locations

Photo: Flag Installation Location 1
Yomiuri V Street

Photo: Flag Installation Location 2
Land Station North Street

Photo: Flag Installation Location 3
Koyodai Park Street (Inagi City Health Center Front)

Photo: Flag Installation Location 4
Koyodai Park Street (in front of Chuo Park Baseball Field)

Photo: Flag Installation Location 5
Koyodai - Park Street (from Home Run Bridge)

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Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Tourism Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Tourism Division