Ichimura Family Documents

The Ichimura family in Sakahama has preserved numerous ancient documents and historical materials from the Edo period to the Meiji period. The Ichimura family served as village officials in Sakahama during the Edo period, and most of the documents were created as a result of their official duties. The contents include land survey records of Sakahama village during the Edo period, documents related to tax, documents concerning the appointment and dismissal of village officials, and documents related to shrines and temples, covering a wide range of topics. The 1,066 ancient documents from the Edo period, which are the most in the city, can be considered among the finest historical materials in terms of both quality and quantity. The documents were created over a period of 239 years, from the 6th year of the Kan'ei era (1629) to the 4th year of the Keio era (1868), providing valuable resources to understand the conditions of Sakahama village at that time and the lives of the farmers who lived there.
Water Collection Record of Tada, Sakahama Village, Tama District, Musashi Province (Documents of the Ichimura Family 36)
This is the land survey record of Sakahama Village created in the 3rd year of the Horeki era (1753). A land survey record is an official document that records the results of land surveys conducted for each village. The land survey record includes details such as the location of the land, its classification (grade), area, and the name of the cultivator. By confirming this information, the aim was to secure the annual tax (harvested rice) collected each year. The city and village office has preserved a total of 10 land survey records from the 3rd year of the Horeki era and the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839).
Sakahama Village Tax Allocation Document (City and Village Family Documents 1)
The tax allocation document is a billing document that specifies the taxes to be paid for that year by location. This document was issued by the shogunate's deputy, Mr. Nakano, to the village officials of the Ichimura family, and it is the oldest tax allocation document created in the city, dating back to the 6th year of the Kan'ei era (1629). Additionally, there are many documents remaining that serve as receipts for the taxes paid, known as the tax payment completion certificates.
Notification of Appointment of Village Head and Permission for Surname with Sword (Documents of the Ichimura Family 290)
This is a notice from the land steward issued during the change of the village head in the 4th year of Ansei (1857). In this year, in Sakahama Village, the village head changed from Tominaga Izaemon to his son, Ginpei. The new village head, Ginpei, was permitted to wear a sword. However, since Ginpei was ill, it was instructed that the group head would take care of official duties such as going to the capital on his behalf. This document provides insight into the situation of the Ichimura family, who served as the group head of Sakahama Village.
Certificate regarding the negotiation of the lion head for the Tenman Shrine Festival (Ichimura Family Documents 108)
This is a document from the 6th year of Bunsei (1823) regarding the festival of Tenman Shrine in Sakahama. At that time, the festival of Tenman Shrine was held every year on August 25, and during this festival, the lion head would parade around the house of the head role. This document records a dispute that arose over trivial matters regarding this, which was settled through negotiation.
Kaya Replacement Group Memorandum (Ichimura Family Documents 89)
During the Edo period, the re-roofing of houses was carried out as a joint effort by the villagers. This was because the re-roofing work required a lot of manpower and expenses. This document was created in the 11th year of the Bunka era (1814) and records the mutual aid (a system where participants contribute funds to carry out a project) that took place in Sakahama village for the purpose of re-roofing. Each villager was to bring 200 mon, 5 bundles of rope, and 2 pieces of firewood, and it was decided that they would help for three days during the re-roofing process.
Reference materials: 'Ancient Documents of Inagi City (Volume 1)', 'History of Inagi City Volume 1', 'Historical Materials of Inagi City Volume 2'

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