Frequently Asked Questions (Property Tax)

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Page ID 1001700 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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QuestionWhat is the procedure for changing the ownership of fixed assets (land and buildings) due to the death of the owner?


For changes of ownership related to the sale or inheritance of registered land and buildings within Inagi City, please proceed with the procedures at the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau Fuchu Branch (phone 042-335-4753). If the registration of ownership transfer is completed by the end of December, the documents for the payment of Property Tax for the following year will be sent based on the registration details.
Additionally, if the inheritance registration (change of ownership) is not completed by the end of December, you will need to designate a representative among the heirs to receive the documents for the payment of Property Tax for the following year. In this case, we will send the "Heir Representative Notification Form" to one of the legal heirs, so please be sure to submit it if the inheritance registration is delayed.

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Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Taxation Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-370-7055
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Taxation Division