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Our Town Inagi 2016 Mr. Mitsuki Takahashi

Updated: October 11, 2016

Participate in the "Tokyo Global Youth Camp" to take a step forward from Inagi to the world!

Mr. Takahashi, who grew up in Inagi and currently attends Tachikawa International Secondary School, was selected as a member of the 2015 Tokyo Global Youth Camp sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education. I participated in a 5-night, 6-day program at the training center of the Organization).
The Tokyo Global Youth Camp gathers high school students from all over the country who are interested in international cooperation and who are motivated to contribute to society in Japan and overseas in the future. When Mr. Takahashi was in the sixth grade of elementary school, he saw a photograph of a child living in a poor area at the JICA Global Plaza. I came to have a dream that I want to fly.
He says that he gained a lot from interacting with colleagues of the same generation who had various ways of thinking during this training. I also had the opportunity to work with trainees of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers who are active on the front lines of international cooperation, and I was very inspired.
At the 50th Anniversary Ceremony of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, which was attended by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, they powerfully presented the results of their training as a "message from the next generation."
Mr. Takahashi, who is internationally oriented, participates in a youth worker seminar sponsored by the Inagi City Youth Committee and is also active as a local leader. Through activities with friends of different ages and living environments, it seems that they are learning the basics of living as a global citizen.
Mr. Takahashi hopes to become a JICA employee in the future and play a role in international cooperation. I hope that I will continue to meet various people, accumulate many experiences, and spread my wings to the world.

For more information on the "Youth Worker Seminar" in which Ms. Takahashi is participating, please contact the Youth Section of the Children and Youth Division.

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