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Our Town Inagi 2016 Mr. Kazuki Shichino

Updated: October 5, 2016

Aim at table tennis! 17 years old carrying the Japanese flag on the world stage

Nanano, who lives in the city and attends Wako High School (Machida City), participated in the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) Para Spanish Open held in June this year as a representative of Japan.
This tournament is an official para table tennis match and was held in Barcelona, Spain this year. Players are divided into classes according to their disabilities, and they fight to win the championship within each class. Mr. Shichino competed in class 6 (the class with the most severe standing handicap). Wearing braces on both lower legs, he played with a clutch (cane) in his left hand and a racket in his right hand, and won against the host country, Spain.
Mr. Shichino, who is also active in other competitions, is aiming to participate in the Tokyo Paralympics as a "Japan Table Tennis Association National Team Candidate" and "Tokyo Metropolitan Athlete Certified Athlete".

My first encounter with table tennis was when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school. I was attracted to table tennis from the moment I picked up a racket, and started practicing in earnest when I entered junior high school. The first time I participated in a match was in the second year of junior high school, and although I lost the first match, I continued to practice with the frustration as a springboard and achieved results in various matches.
“Just playing table tennis makes me happy,” said Mr. Shichino about his recent practices with a smile. I am active as a coach of , and told me about the days of table tennis pickles.
The Rio de Janeiro Paralympics ended on September 18, 2016, and four years have passed since the Tokyo Paralympics. It will be a long road, as you need to win points in domestic and international matches to participate, but let's draw a picture of Mr. Shichino who is active as a representative of Japan and support him.

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