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July 21, 2019 execution Voting and counting results of the House of Councilors election

Updated: July 21, 2019

We will inform you of the results of voting and counting of votes for the House of Councilors election held on July 21, 2019.

Election results in Inagi City

House of Councilors election (elected in Tokyo) vote counting results finalized at 23:09

Candidate name party name Inagi City
(In order of notification) Number of votes (votes)
Tamayo Marukawa LDP 7,834
Ayaka Shiomura Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 4,843
Keizo Takemi LDP 3,780
Natsuo Yamaguchi New Komeito 4,894
Koichi Mizoguchi olive tree 114
Jun Mori Independent 111
Issei Yamagishi Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 4,211
Yoshiko Kira Japanese Communist Party 4,334
Motoko Mizuno Democratic Party for the People 1,187
Yasuhiro Sekiguchi Independent 108
Hitoshi Sato Society for considering the euthanasia system 225
Reiko Asakura Social Democratic Party 560
Shun Okita Japan Restoration Party 3,534
Nanami Hiroko Happiness Realization Party 230
Masahiro Yokoyama Society for considering the euthanasia system 159
Yoshimasa Nohara Reiwa Shinsengumi 1,255
Sadakichi Nishino Independent 48
Masanobu Ohashi Party to protect the people from NHK 997
Kikuo Otsuka Japanese non-partisan party 17
Nozue Shimpei Independent 576

House of Councilors election (proportional representation) vote count results finalized at 1:05

List notification political party name Inagi City
(In order of notification) Number of votes (votes)
Japanese Communist Party 4,227.000
LDP 12,889.168
olive tree 144.300
Social Democratic Party 711.000
New Komeito 3,836.272
Democratic Party for the People 2,133.000
Japan Restoration Party 3,425.000
Happiness Realization Party 104.000
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 7,551.000
Workers' Party for Liberation of Labor 53.000
Party to protect the people from NHK 992.000
Society for considering the euthanasia system 361.000
Reiwa Shinsengumi 2,692.258

Voting results in Inagi

House of Councilors (Tokyo election) election results 21:18 confirmed

precinct Polling place number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 3,010 2,744 5,754 1,508 1,386 2,894 50.10 50.51 50.30
2 Welfare center 4,068 3,933 8,001 2,054 1,929 3,983 50.49 49.05 49.78
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,555 1,603 3,158 820 855 1,675 52.73 53.34 53.04
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,125 1,101 2,226 544 562 1,106 48.36 51.04 49.69
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,553 2,408 4,961 1,376 1,250 2,626 53.90 51.91 52.93
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,776 1,728 3,504 892 848 1,740 50.23 49.07 49.66
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,502 1,511 3,013 767 746 1,513 51.07 49.37 50.22
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,913 2,705 5,618 1,553 1,427 2,980 53.31 52.75 53.04
9 Friend Hirao lounge 2,186 2,353 4,539 1,090 1,117 2,207 49.86 47.47 48.62
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,340 2,199 4,539 1,168 1,108 2,276 49.91 50.39 50.14
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,599 2,673 5,272 1,537 1,541 3,078 59.14 57.65 58.38
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,070 1,180 2,250 626 722 1,348 58.50 61.19 59.91
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,802 1,909 3,711 1,209 1,159 2,368 67.09 60.71 63.81
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,919 2,124 4,043 1,105 1,164 2,269 57.58 54.80 56.12
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,273 2,410 4,683 1,384 1,455 2,839 60.89 60.37 60.62
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 2,105 1,960 4,065 1,193 1,089 2,282 56.67 55.56 56.14
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 2,123 2,311 4,434 1,343 1,344 2,687 63.26 58.16 60.60
total 36,919 36,852 73,771 20,169 19,702 39,871 54.63 53.46 54.05
last election 35,580 35,157 70,737 21,525 21,229 42,754 60.50 60.38 60.44
Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee and overseas voters.

House of Councilors (proportional representation election) election results 21:18 confirmed

precinct Polling place number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 3,010 2,744 5,754 1,507 1,386 2,893 50.07 50.51 50.28
2 Welfare center 4,068 3,933 8,001 2,054 1,929 3,983 50.49 49.05 49.78
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,555 1,603 3,158 820 855 1,675 52.73 53.34 53.04
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,125 1,101 2,226 544 562 1,106 48.36 51.04 49.69
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,553 2,408 4,961 1,376 1,250 2,626 53.90 51.91 52.93
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,776 1,728 3,504 892 848 1,740 50.23 49.07 49.66
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,502 1,511 3,013 767 746 1,513 51.07 49.37 50.22
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,913 2,705 5,618 1,553 1,427 2,980 53.31 52.75 53.04
9 Friend Hirao lounge 2,186 2,353 4,539 1,090 1,117 2,207 49.86 47.47 48.62
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,340 2,199 4,539 1,168 1,108 2,276 49.91 50.39 50.14
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,599 2,673 5,272 1,537 1,541 3,078 59.14 57.65 58.38
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,070 1,180 2,250 626 722 1,348 58.50 61.19 59.91
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,802 1,909 3,711 1,209 1,159 2,368 67.09 60.71 63.81
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,919 2,124 4,043 1,105 1,164 2,269 57.58 54.80 56.12
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,273 2,410 4,683 1,384 1,455 2,839 60.89 60.37 60.62
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 2,105 1,960 4,065 1,193 1,089 2,282 56.67 55.56 56.14
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 2,123 2,311 4,434 1,343 1,343 2,686 63.26 58.11 60.58
total 36,919 36,852 73,771 20,168 19,701 39,869 54.63 53.46 54.04
last election 35,580 35,157 70,737 21,525 21,229 42,754 60.50 60.38 60.44
Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee and overseas voters.

Election results in Tokyo

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Page (external link) of Tokyo board of elections "voting and counting results"

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Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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