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April 21, 2019 execution Inagi city assembly member election / Inagi mayor election voting results

Updated: April 22, 2019

We would like to inform you of the results of the Inagi City Council election and Inagi mayoral election held on April 21, 2019.

Election results

April 21, 2019 execution Inagi city assembly member election fixed at 23:40
Voting order Candidate name party name number of votes result
1 Yukihiro Iwasa Independent 3,338 Election
2 Makoto Suzuki Independent 1,807 Election
3 Riki Watanabe LDP 1,587 Election
4 Masahito Takeda Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 1,532 Election
5 Kenichi Kitahama Independent 1,529 Election
6 Akiko Isomura Independent 1,525 Election
7 Aya Kawamura Independent 1,518 Election
8 Shinji Sato New Komeito 1,510 Election
9 Ken Arai Independent 1,473 Election
10 Tanaka Naka Independent 1,441 Election
11 Hiromi Tsunoji New Komeito 1,438 Election
12 Hisako Ichise New Komeito 1,399 Election
13 Takefumi Sakata Independent 1,349 Election
14 Kikuko Tajima Japanese Communist Party 1,334 Election
15 Kenji Nakayama LDP 1,333 Election
16 Masanobu Tsunoda Independent 1,327 Election
17 Misako Kajiura Democratic Party for the People 1,324 Election
18 Youko Murakami Inagi/Consumer Network 1,321 Election
19 Taichi Yamagishi Japanese Communist Party 1,280 Election
20 Manabu Okada Japanese Communist Party 1,273 Election
21 Enomoto Hisaharu Independent 1,241 Election
22 Eiji Ikeda Independent 1,011 Election
23 Mitsutoshi Inada Independent 845  
24 Yoshitomo Yamanouchi Independent 802  
25 Norihiro Doi Independent 788  
26 Akira Sasaki Independent 742  
Execution April 21, 2019 Inagi mayoral election confirmed at 22:42
Voting order Candidate name party name number of votes result
1 Katsuhiro Takahashi Independent 25,836 Election
2 Kan Hayakawa Independent 9,707  

Voting result

April 21, 2019 execution Inagi city assembly member election 21:31 decision
precinct Polling place number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 2,943 2,681 5,624 1,341 1,350 2,691 45.57 50.35 47.85
2 Welfare center 3,909 3,790 7,699 1,808 1,851 3,659 46.25 48.84 47.53
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,511 1,570 3,081 712 804 1,516 47.12 51.21 49.20
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,116 1,083 2,199 610 649 1,259 54.66 59.93 57.25
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,508 2,365 4,873 1,197 1,237 2,434 47.73 52.30 49.95
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,722 1,680 3,402 755 808 1,563 43.84 48.10 45.94
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,462 1,479 2,941 681 731 1,412 46.58 49.43 48.01
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,858 2,649 5,507 1,388 1,369 2,757 48.57 51.68 50.06
9 Friend Hirao lounge 2,141 2,320 4,461 922 1037 1,959 43.06 44.70 43.91
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,266 2,147 4,413 1042 1051 2,093 45.98 48.95 47.43
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,557 2,624 5,181 1,341 1,387 2,728 52.44 52.86 52.65
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,063 1,171 2,234 590 713 1,303 55.50 60.89 58.33
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,777 1,881 3,658 1,026 1,060 2,086 57.74 56.35 57.03
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,882 2,089 3,971 983 1,099 2,082 52.23 52.61 52.43
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,231 2,368 4,599 1,193 1,295 2,488 53.47 54.69 54.10
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 2,005 1,863 3,868 1024 1069 2,093 51.07 57.38 54.11
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 2,080 2,273 4,353 1239 1,322 2,561 59.57 58.16 58.83
total 36,031 36,033 72,064 17,852 18,832 36,684 49.55 52.26 50.90
last election 33,647 33,302 66,949 16,754 17,614 34,368 49.79 52.89 51.33

Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee voters.

April 21, 2019 execution Inagi mayoral election confirmed at 21:31
precinct Polling place number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 2,943 2,681 5,624 1,341 1,350 2,691 45.57 50.35 47.85
2 Welfare center 3,909 3,790 7,699 1,808 1,851 3,659 46.25 48.84 47.53
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,511 1,570 3,081 710 804 1,514 46.99 51.21 49.14
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,116 1,083 2,199 610 649 1,259 54.66 59.93 57.25
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,508 2,365 4,873 1,197 1,237 2,434 47.73 52.30 49.95
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,722 1,680 3,402 755 808 1,563 43.84 48.10 45.94
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,462 1,479 2,941 681 731 1,412 46.58 49.43 48.01
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,858 2,649 5,507 1,388 1,369 2,757 48.57 51.68 50.06
9 Friend Hirao lounge 2,141 2,320 4,461 922 1037 1,959 43.06 44.70 43.91
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,266 2,147 4,413 1042 1050 2,092 45.98 48.91 47.41
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,557 2,624 5,181 1,341 1,387 2,728 52.44 52.86 52.65
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,063 1,171 2,234 589 713 1,302 55.41 60.89 58.28
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,777 1,881 3,658 1,026 1,060 2,086 57.74 56.35 57.03
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,882 2,089 3,971 983 1,099 2,082 52.23 52.61 52.43
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,231 2,368 4,599 1,192 1,295 2,487 53.43 54.69 54.08
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 2,005 1,863 3,868 1024 1069 2,093 51.07 57.38 54.11
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 2,080 2,273 4,353 1239 1,322 2,561 59.57 58.16 58.83
total 36,031 36,033 72,064 17,848 18,831 36,679 49.54 52.26 50.90
last election 33,647 33,302 66,949 16,749 17,612 34,361 49.78 52.89 51.32

Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee voters.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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