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December 16, 2012 Execution Voting and counting results of the House of Representatives election and the Tokyo gubernatorial election

Updated: December 17, 2012

 We would like to inform you of the voting results for the House of Representatives election and Tokyo gubernatorial election held on December 16, 2012.

Election results

46th House of Representatives election (single-seat constituency) confirmed at 0:17
number Candidate name Name of the candidate notification political party number of votes
1 Ikuo Yamahana Democratic Party 9,364
2 Atsushi Sakauchi Japanese Communist Party 3,116
3 Yuzuru Tsuyama everyone's party 5,503
4 Tatsuya Ito LDP 17,441
5 Yoshihiro Ihara   253
6 Kano Akira Japan Restoration Party 6,496
46th House of Representatives election (proportional representation) 1:08 fixed
number Notification political party name number of votes
1 New Komeito 3,940
2 Japanese Communist Party 2,818
3 Democratic Party 7,441
4 Social Democratic Party 1,016
5 Japan Restoration Party 9,013
6 new party reform 659
7 everyone's party 5,334
8 LDP 10,476
9 Happiness Realization Party 117
10 Japan Future Party 2,622
Tokyo gubernatorial election confirmed at 1:41
number Candidate name party name number of votes
1 Mac Akasaka smile party 175 
2 Tokuma Happiness Realization Party 233 
3 Shigefumi Matsuzawa Independent 5,468 
4 Takashi Sasakawa Association to Protect the Lives of Tokyo Citizens 1,000 
5 Kenji Utsunomiya Independent 6,284 
6 Naoki Inose Independent 28,503 
7 Yoshiro Nakamatsu Independent 820 
8 Shigenobu Yoshida Independent 281 
9 Masakazu Igarashi Independent 489 

Voting result

46th House of Representatives Election [Single-seat constituency] Voting status confirmed at 22:40
precinct Polling place name number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 2,816 2,471 5,287 1,728 1,553 3,281 61.36  62.85  62.06 
2 Welfare center 3,158 2,900 6,058 1,937 1,787 3,724 61.34  61.62  61.47 
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,571 1,557 3,128 929 969 1,898 59.13  62.24  60.68 
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,132 1,027 2,159 698 671 1,369 61.66  65.34  63.41 
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,392 2,236 4,628 1,550 1,442 2,992 64.80  64.49  64.65 
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,618 1,506 3,124 997 926 1,923 61.62  61.49  61.56 
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,354 1,398 2,752 803 829 1,632 59.31  59.30  59.30 
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,633 2,394 5,027 1,641 1,521 3,162 62.32  63.53  62.90 
9 Friend Hirao Gymnasium 2,084 2,222 4,306 1,305 1,355 2,660 62.62  60.98  61.77 
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,155 2,026 4,181 1,376 1,238 2,614 63.85  61.11  62.52 
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,670 2,722 5,392 1,832 1,811 3,643 68.61  66.53  67.56 
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,121 1,221 2,342 765 852 1,617 68.24  69.78  69.04 
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,851 1,928 3,779 1,492 1,497 2,989 80.61  77.65  79.09 
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,735 1,916 3,651 1,207 1,284 2,491 69.57  67.01  68.23 
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,078 2,183 4,261 1,572 1,630 3,202 75.65  74.67  75.15 
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 1,873 1,766 3,639 1,185 1,129 2,314 63.27  63.93  63.59 
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 1,765 1,889 3,654 1,330 1,354 2,684 75.35  71.68  73.45 
total 34,006 33,362 67,368 22,347 21,848 44,195 65.71  65.49  65.60 
last election 33,058 32,081 65,139 22,749 22,081 44,830 68.82  68.83  68.82 
*The number of absentee votes (facilities, mail, etc.) is included in the 13th voting district.
46th House of Representatives Election [Proportional Representation] Voting Status Confirmed at 23:09
precinct Polling place name number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 2,816 2,471 5,287 1,727 1,553 3,280 61.33  62.85  62.04 
2 Welfare center 3,158 2,900 6,058 1,937 1,786 3,723 61.34  61.59  61.46 
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,571 1,557 3,128 928 969 1,897 59.07  62.24  60.65 
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,132 1,027 2,159 698 671 1,369 61.66  65.34  63.41 
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,392 2,236 4,628 1,550 1,442 2,992 64.80  64.49  64.65 
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,618 1,506 3,124 997 926 1,923 61.62  61.49  61.56 
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,354 1,398 2,752 803 829 1,632 59.31  59.30  59.30 
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,633 2,394 5,027 1,641 1,521 3,162 62.32  63.53  62.90 
9 Friend Hirao Gymnasium 2,084 2,222 4,306 1,305 1,356 2,661 62.62  61.03  61.80 
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,155 2,026 4,181 1,376 1,236 2,612 63.85  61.01  62.47 
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,670 2,722 5,392 1,832 1,812 3,644 68.61  66.57  67.58 
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,121 1,221 2,342 765 852 1,617 68.24  69.78  69.04 
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,851 1,928 3,779 1,492 1,496 2,988 80.61  77.59  79.07 
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,735 1,916 3,651 1,207 1,284 2,491 69.57  67.01  68.23 
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,078 2,183 4,261 1,572 1,630 3,202 75.65  74.67  75.15 
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 1,873 1,766 3,639 1,183 1,129 2,312 63.16  63.93  63.53 
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 1,765 1,889 3,654 1,329 1,354 2,683 75.30  71.68  73.43 
total 34,006 33,362 67,368 22,342 21,846 44,188 65.70  65.48  65.59 
last election 33,058 32,081 65,139 22,746 22,084 44,830 68.81  68.84  68.82 
*The number of absentee votes (facilities, mail, etc.) is included in the 13th voting district.
Tokyo gubernatorial election confirmed at 22:20
precinct Polling place name number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total
1 Inagi Daiichi Elementary School Gymnasium 2,781 2,444 5,225 1,723 1,555 3,278 61.96  63.63  62.74 
2 Welfare center 3,113 2,877 5,990 1,928 1,787 3,715 61.93  62.11  62.02 
3 Fourth Nursery School 1,561 1,547 3,108 929 968 1,897 59.51  62.57  61.04 
4 Inagi Second Elementary School Gymnasium 1,128 1,021 2,149 698 672 1,370 61.88  65.82  63.75 
5 Inagi fourth elementary school gymnasium 2,371 2,217 4,588 1,551 1,446 2,997 65.42  65.22  65.32 
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School Gymnasium 1,603 1,492 3,095 998 927 1,925 62.26  62.13  62.20 
7 Hirao Elementary School Gymnasium 1,347 1,389 2,736 800 829 1,629 59.39  59.68  59.54 
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,614 2,379 4,993 1,637 1,520 3,157 62.62  63.89  63.23 
9 Friend Hirao Gymnasium 2,056 2,197 4,253 1,298 1,343 2,641 63.13  61.13  62.10 
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School Gymnasium 2,131 2,009 4,140 1,373 1,235 2,608 64.43  61.47  63.00 
11 Koyodai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,656 2,704 5,360 1,834 1,807 3,641 69.05  66.83  67.93 
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,113 1,216 2,329 761 851 1,612 68.37  69.98  69.21 
13 Shiroyama Elementary School Gymnasium 1,782 1,877 3,659 1,465 1,478 2,943 82.21  78.74  80.43 
14 Nagamine Elementary School Gymnasium 1,722 1,909 3,631 1,205 1,283 2,488 69.98  67.21  68.52 
15 Wakabadai Elementary School Gymnasium 2,069 2,177 4,246 1,570 1,628 3,198 75.88  74.78  75.32 
16 Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium 1,859 1,760 3,619 1,185 1,129 2,314 63.74  64.15  63.94 
17 Inagi sixth junior high school entrance 1,759 1,878 3,637 1,329 1,354 2,683 75.55  72.10  73.77 
total 33,665 33,093 66,758 22,284 21,812 44,096 66.19  65.91  66.05 
last election 33,278 32,534 65,812 19,580 20,110 39,690 58.84  61.81  60.31 
*The number of absentee votes (facilities, mail, etc.) is included in the 13th voting district.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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