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July 10, 2020 execution Voting results of the House of Councilors election

Updated: July 11, 2022

We would like to inform you of the results of the voting and counting of votes for the House of Councilors election held on July 10, 2022.

Election results in Inagi City

House of Councilors election (elected in Tokyo) vote counting results finalized at 24:07

Candidate name party name Inagi City
(In order of notification) Number of votes (votes)
Setta Kenji NHK party 49.000
Sugawara Miyuki Japan's first party 137.000
Taro Yamamoto Reiwa Shinsengumi 3,758.000
Nakamura Chrysanthemum Party to take over US military bases in Okinawa to Tokyo 26.337
Yutaka Ando new party cloud 114.000
Yuki Ebisawa Japan Restoration Party 3,953.000
Chiharu Araki first meeting 2,073.000
Ryoichi Hattori Social Democratic Party 459.000
Youhei Hasegawa NHK party 73.000
Taku Yamazoe Japanese Communist Party 3,939.000
Keiji Ino NHK party 65.000
Toshiko Takeya New Komeito 4,430.000
Ken Tanaka NHK party 169.000
Ryoji Kutsuzawa Japan Reform Party 261.000
Yasufumi Kuwashima fusion party 13.000
Kobata Haruhiko Tenmei Party 22.000
technical knowledge (Abbreviation) Metaverse Party 128.000
Kentaro Asahi LDP 7,772.000
Hiroshi Komiyama smile party 45.000
Yukihisa Oikawa Happiness Realization Party 151.000
Masayuki Aoyama (abbreviated) Liberal Republican Party 77.000
Ikuina Akiko LDP 3,729.000
Akihiro Matsuo Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 2,382.000
Lotus Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 5,657.000
Yohei Saiki children's party 373.000
Kenji Kawano Restoration political party Shinpu 64.000
Hirotada Ototake Independent 2,047.000
Tomoharu Nakagawa Independent 35.000
Mana Tamura Republican Party 200.000
Naito Hisao peace party 23.000
Miki Matsuda NHK party 343.000
Kasai Izumio suffrage party 919.000
Fumimasa Yui Independent 18.000
Takashi Nakamura Independent 51.662

House of Councilors (proportional representation election) vote count results finalized at 29:00

List notification political party name Inagi City
(In order of notification) Number of votes (votes)
Happiness Realization Party 71.000
Japan Restoration Party 6,365.428
Reiwa Shinsengumi 2,792.414
New Komeito 3,831.000
burdock party 145.000
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan 6,124.231
Democratic Party for the People 2,988.684
suffrage party 1,433.000
Japan's first party 137.000
Japanese Communist Party 3,616.092
new party cloud 58.000
LDP 13,566.574
Social Democratic Party 1,228.571
NHK party 1,190.000
Restoration political party Shinpu 26.000

Voting results in Inagi

House of Councilors (Tokyo election) election results 21:54 confirmed

precinct polling station number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total


Inagi Daiichi Elementary School 3,019 2,822 5,841 1,618 1,566 3,184 53.59 55.49 54.51
2 Inagi Daiichi Junior High School 4,274 4,144 8,418 2,441 2,362 4,803 57.11 57.00 57.06
3 Daimaru apartment meeting place 1,569 1,641 3,210 842 898 1,740 53.66 54.72 54.21
4 Inagi second elementary school 1,365 1,352 2,717 702 718 1,420 51.43 53.11 52.26
5 Inagi fourth elementary school 2,610 2,527 5,137 1,462 1,425 2,887 56.02 56.39 56.20
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School 1,772 1,747 3,519 965 966 1,931 54.46 55.29 54.87
7 Hirao Elementary School 1,535 1,554 3,089 862 846 1,708 56.16 54.44 55.29
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,986 2,741 5,727 1,732 1,567 3,299 58.00 57.17 57.60
9 Friend Hirao 2,303 2,432 4,735 1,280 1,327 2,607 55.58 54.56 55.06
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School 2,337 2,214 4,551 1,294 1,225 2,519 55.37 55.33 55.35
11 Koyodai Elementary School 2,615 2,691 5,306 1,644 1,673 3,317 62.87 62.17 62.51
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,022 1,147 2,169 609 705 1,314 59.59 61.46 60.58
13 Shiroyama Elementary School 1,813 1,965 3,778 1,258 1,319 2,577 69.39 67.12 68.21
14 Nagamine Elementary School 1,935 2,134 4,069 1,194 1,265 2,459 61.71 59.28 60.43
15 Wakabadai Elementary School 2,357 2,521 4,878 1,582 1,700 3,282 67.12 67.43 67.28
16 Inagi third junior high school (designated overseas election voting district) 2,233 2,113 4,346 1,399 1,321 2,720 62.65 62.52 62.59
17 Inagi sixth junior high school 2,130 2,296 4,426 1,407 1,515 2,922 66.06 65.98 66.02
total 37,875 38,041 75,916 22,291 22,398 44,689 58.85 58.88 58.87
last election 36,919 36,852 73,771 20,169 19,702 39,871 54.63 53.46 54.05

Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee and overseas voters.

House of Councilors (proportional representation election) election results 21:54 finalized

precinct polling station number of voters Number of voters (people) Voter turnout (%)
Man woman Total Man woman Total Man woman Total


Inagi Daiichi Elementary School 3,019 2,822 5,841 1,618 1,566 3,184 53.59 55.49 54.51
2 Inagi Daiichi Junior High School 4,274 4,144 8,418 2,441 2,362 4,803 57.11 57.00 57.06
3 Daimaru apartment meeting place 1,569 1,641 3,210 842 898 1,740 53.66 54.72 54.21
4 Inagi second elementary school 1,365 1,352 2,717 702 718 1,420 51.43 53.11 52.26
5 Inagi fourth elementary school 2,610 2,527 5,137 1,462 1,424 2,886 56.02 56.35 56.18
6 Inagi Fourth Junior High School 1,772 1,747 3,519 965 966 1,931 54.46 55.29 54.87
7 Hirao Elementary School 1,535 1,554 3,089 862 846 1,708 56.16 54.44 55.29
8 Daimaru District Hall 2,986 2,741 5,727 1,732 1,567 3,299 58.00 57.17 57.60
9 Friend Hirao 2,303 2,432 4,735 1,280 1,327 2,607 55.58 54.56 55.06
10 Inagi Seventh Elementary School 2,337 2,214 4,551 1,294 1,224 2,518 55.37 55.28 55.33
11 Koyodai Elementary School 2,615 2,691 5,306 1,643 1,672 3,315 62.83 62.13 62.48
12 Hirao Self-Government Hall 1,022 1,147 2,169 609 705 1,314 59.59 61.46 60.58
13 Shiroyama Elementary School 1,813 1,965 3,778 1,257 1,319 2,576 69.33 67.12 68.18
14 Nagamine Elementary School 1,935 2,134 4,069 1,194 1,265 2,459 61.71 59.28 60.43
15 Wakabadai Elementary School 2,357 2,521 4,878 1,582 1,700 3,282 67.12 67.43 67.28
16 Inagi third junior high school (designated overseas election voting district) 2,233 2,113 4,346 1,400 1,321 2,721 62.70 62.52 62.61
17 Inagi sixth junior high school 2,130 2,296 4,426 1,407 1,515 2,922 66.06 65.98 66.02
total 37,875 38,041 75,916 22,290 22,395 44,685 58.85 58.87 58.86
last election 36,919 36,852 73,771 20,168 19,701 39,869 54.63 53.46 54.04

Note: Precinct 16 includes absentee and overseas voters.

Election results in Tokyo

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Page (external link) of Tokyo board of elections "voting and counting results"

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Election Administration Commission Secretariat
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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