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Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy

Updated: May 8, 2020

History of formulation

Japan entered an era of population decline in 2008, and is facing the challenges of maintaining local communities and overcoming population decline. In response to this, on September 12, 2014, the national government made a cabinet decision on the "Town, People, and Job Revitalization Act" as a guideline for the national and local governments to work together to tackle the population decline problem.

Starting with the “Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan” in 1975, Inagi City has formulated four long-term comprehensive plans and has worked on various measures. As a result, even though Japan as a whole is facing a declining population, the population is still on the rise, and this trend is expected to continue for the next ten years or so. However, from a long-term perspective, it is inevitable that the population will eventually decline. Considering that there is no silver bullet for population problems and that it will take a certain amount of time for various countermeasures to show results, it is important to take countermeasures at this stage when the population is not declining.

In response to the above situation, Inagi City established the "Inagi City Town/People/Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Formulation Committee" in order to overcome the declining population and contraction of the local economy from a long-term perspective. After an open call for proposals, the “Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Comprehensive Strategy”) was formulated.

Revision of Comprehensive Strategy (March 2018)

Since this is the middle year of the comprehensive strategy, we will evaluate and verify the progress of the comprehensive strategy based on the key performance indicators (KPIs) established in the comprehensive strategy in FY2017, thereby enhancing future measures. For the purpose of achieving this, the Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Verification Committee was held.

At that time, we will realize the four basic goals set in the comprehensive strategy, steadily promote the creation of communities, the creation of people, and the creation of jobs, and add three new businesses in order to make it sustainable. The we.

Interim verification of Inagi city's comprehensive strategy for revitalizing towns, people, and jobs

Regarding the extension of the comprehensive strategy (March 2020)

The current comprehensive strategy is a five-year plan from FY2015 to FY2019. Regarding the next comprehensive strategy, we will formulate it in line with Inagi City's top plan, the 5th Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan (provisional name). It will be 2021 in accordance with the formulation of the long-term comprehensive plan.

In FY2020, we will extend the current comprehensive strategy for one year so that there will be no blank period until the formulation of the next comprehensive strategy, and we will continue to manage progress based on key performance indicators (KPIs). .

Formulation of the 2nd Inagi City Town/People/Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy

At the national level, regional revitalization is a long-term policy that shares the sense of crisis of the next generation and the generation after that, puts the brakes on the population decline, and restores the vitality of each region. Therefore, in order to continue the regional revitalization awareness and efforts that took root in Phase 1 beyond fiscal 2020, and to ensure progress toward the next step, we have set a plan for the next five years under our “long-term vision.” We will continue to maintain the current framework of implementing basic goals and measures in a "comprehensive strategy," formulate a second phase "comprehensive strategy," and work to further enhance and strengthen regional revitalization. increase.
For regional revitalization, it is important for each region to have motivation and enthusiasm, and to voluntarily and proactively carry out initiatives that make use of the strengths and attractions of the region. Taking into account the Comprehensive Strategy for Creating Jobs, continuing from Phase 1, in order to simultaneously and integrally work on the creation of towns, people, and jobs in the city, the first year will be 20215. We devised the second Inagi-shi town, people, job creation comprehensive strategy of one year.

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Planning Policy Division, Planning Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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