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Implementation of Inagi City's Comprehensive Strategy for Vitalizing Town, People, and Jobs (Interim Verification)

Updated: November 24, 2021

the purpose

Based on the Act on Revitalization of Towns, People, and Jobs, the “Inagi City Comprehensive Strategy for Revitalizing Town, People, and Jobs” (hereinafter referred to as the “Comprehensive Strategy”) was formulated as a strategy for overcoming the declining population and contraction of the local economy from a long-term perspective. ) was formulated in 2015 (planning period: October 2015 to March 2020).
Since FY 2017 is the middle year of the plan period, this verification will evaluate and verify the progress of the comprehensive strategy based on the key performance indicators (KPIs) established in the comprehensive strategy, and will be used to determine future measures. The purpose is to enhance

Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy

Verification progress

In order to incorporate the opinions of citizens and systematically and comprehensively verify the comprehensive strategy, the "Inagi City Town, People, and Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Verification Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Verification Committee") was established. deployed. In addition, in order to ensure consistency and consistency with the comprehensive strategy, verification is conducted by the same members as the Inagi City Town/People/Work Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy Planning Committee.
(Implementation status of verification committee)

  • 1st July 4, 2017
  • 2nd August 21, 2017
  • 3rd March 23, 2018


Among the businesses listed in the Comprehensive Strategy, for businesses with KPIs, the Verification Committee classifies them into three categories: “achieved,” “expected to be achieved,” and “not achieved,” according to the progress as of the end of FY2016. Defined and categorized. The concept of each category is as follows.

  • Achieved: Businesses whose KPIs have already reached the target values at the end of FY2019
  • Expected achievement: Projects that have not achieved the KPI, but are clearly expected to be achieved by the end of FY2019
  • Unachieved: Businesses that are working on projects but whose KPIs have not reached their target values
Comprehensive strategy publication business 48 businesses
Projects in progress as of the end of FY2016 42 businesses
KPI setting business 34 businesses
achievement 18 businesses (53.0%)
Expected achievement 3 businesses (8.8%)
Unachieved 13 businesses (38.2%)

Regarding the addition of implementation projects in the comprehensive strategy

In order to realize the four basic goals set in the comprehensive strategy, to steadily promote the creation of communities, the creation of people, and the creation of jobs, and to make them sustainable, we added three new businesses.

Newly added business

[Basic goal 1] Create stable employment in Inagi City No additional projects

additional business Overview
Establishment of Inagi City Tourism Association Based on the tourism basic plan, we will establish a tourism association to develop various businesses outside the framework of the government.
Create an original marriage registration Create a new copy of the original marriage registration form with a picture.

[Basic Goal 3] Fulfill the wishes of the younger generation for marriage, childbirth, and child rearing No additional projects Added "Machizukuri"

additional business Overview
Community development for health promotion With Inagi Municipal Hospital, Health Checkup Center, and Owens Health Plaza as health bases, comprehensively implement projects related to "smoking cessation, diet, exercise, health checkups and examinations" with the aim of extending the healthy life expectancy of citizens.

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Inquiries about this page

Planning Policy Division, Planning Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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