Status of Internal Whistleblowing Operations

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Page ID 1009214 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The city has established an internal whistleblower system based on the Whistleblower Protection Act to contribute to lawful and fair City Administration operations.
In the event of reports of violations of laws and regulations related to the performance of duties by staff, necessary investigations will be conducted, and if violations are confirmed, appropriate measures will be taken to prevent recurrence.
This page will publish the number of internal whistleblower reports and their main contents.

Number of Internal Whistleblower Reports

Fiscal Year Number of Reports Received Number of Applications Received Number of Non-Accepted Cases
Fiscal Year 2022 1 1 0

(As of February 17, 2023)

Note: The "number of rejected cases" refers to the cases that were not accepted because they do not meet the requirements for internal whistleblowing, such as reports aimed at obtaining illegal benefits or causing harm to others, reports without attached evidence that can objectively prove the facts of the report, and anonymous reports (except in cases where reporting under a real name may lead to disadvantageous treatment).

Main Contents of Accepted Reports

Reception Date Overview of the Report Survey Results and Responses
November 28, 2022 There are employees who are improperly receiving commuting allowances. Fact-checking regarding the reported content and interviews with related parties were conducted, but no evidence of fraudulent receipt was found.

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Inagi City General Affairs Department Human Resources Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City General Affairs Department Human Resources Division