History of Sakahama Acacia Library and Sakahama Distribution Center

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Page ID 1003845 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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At that time, the Sakahama area was far from the city center, so children had few opportunities to hold books. Children who wanted to read had no choice but to take the bus, which only passed once or twice an hour, to the city library.

In order to break this situation, under the theme of "wanting to create a reading environment close to the children of Sakahama and provide opportunities to read good books," local Neighborhood Associations and PTAs took the lead in developing a movement to establish a community library in the area. Fortunately, a prefabricated building that was being used as a temporary clinic became available, and after negotiations with the city, the Sakahama Acacia Library was opened in 1979.

Subsequently, in 1995, the Sakahama Distribution Center was established in a room within the Sakahama Community Disaster Prevention Center as a distribution point for the city library, with the aim of "developing a reading environment that includes a place for local children to gather" by inheriting the collection of the Sakahama Acacia Library.

Since then, it has been open once a week, but in Fiscal Year 2015, a school library revitalization officer (school librarian) was assigned to Inagi Dai 2 Elementary School, and in Fiscal Year 2021, a book management system was introduced, enhancing the school library. Along with the establishment of usage by Sakahama community residents at the i Plaza library, the number of users at the distribution center has significantly decreased. Considering that the original purpose and role of the center have already been fulfilled, it has been decided to close it at the end of Fiscal Year 2022.

The "Sakahama Acacia Library and Sakahama Distribution Center's Journey" has been compiled on the Inagi City Library website.
You can view it from the link below.

Photo: Sakahama Distribution Center Entrance
Sakahama Distribution Center Entrance
Photo: Acacia Library Shelf
Acacia Library Shelf

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