Inagi City Library Event Announcement

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Page ID 1003850 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The library offers various events that parents and children can enjoy together.
Please come out with your children.

Please see the following link for the date and time of regular events.

For children before entering school

Lap Time Storytime

We conduct picture book readings, kamishibai, and children's songs.
Venue: Central Library, First Library, Second Library, Third Library, Fourth Library, i Plaza Library

For children in Kindergarten and elementary school


We conduct picture book readings, kamishibai, storytelling, and more.
Venue: Central Library, Second Library, Fourth Library, i Plaza Library

Other Read-Alouds

Storytelling Session

This is a slightly more elaborate storytelling session than usual.
We will perform paper puppet shows, cloth plays, and puppet theater.
These events are held several times a year at the First Library, Second Library, Third Library, Fourth Library, and i Plaza Library.
Please contact each library for the event dates.

Let's Play with Books Animation

We will conduct quizzes and games using books.

  • Target: From preschoolers to elementary school students
  • Venue: Central Library

Storytelling Session

It is centered around storytelling.

  • Target: From preschoolers to elementary school students
  • Venue: Central Library

Movie Screening

Screenings will be held in the audiovisual room of the Central Library.

  • Target: From preschoolers to elementary school students
  • Venue: Central Library

Information on Parenting Support Programs

We will guide you to the parenting support projects conducted at various facilities in Inagi City.
Please refer to the "Community Calendar" issued by the Inagi City Child and Family Support Center.
Note: The "Community Calendar" for each district is available at the entrance of the "Story Room" in the Central Library. Feel free to take one home.

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Department of Education Library Division
(Shiroyama Park, City Central Library) 4-6-18 Koyodai, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0803
Phone number: 042-378-7111 Fax number: 042-378-7162
Contact Inagi City Department of Education Library Division