Subsidy for Vehicle Modification Costs (Installation of Driving Assistance Devices)

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Page ID 1003544 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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Even if you have disabilities in your hands and feet, you can drive a car by modifying the steering wheel, accelerator, brake, etc., and changing the way you operate it.
The cost of those modifications will be subsidized as follows.

Eligible Individuals

Those who need to modify part of a car owned and driven by themselves or their cohabiting relatives, and meet all of the following conditions

  1. Persons with upper limb, lower limb, or trunk function disabilities who hold a Physical Disability Certificate with a comprehensive grade of 1 or 2.
  2. Persons aged 18 and over
  3. Those whose income from the previous year is within the income limit

Subsidy Amount

A subsidy of up to 133,900 yen per unit will be provided.
However, this is limited to the costs of modifications to the steering and drive systems.


Be sure to apply with your Physical Disability Certificate, driver's license, an estimate showing the modification details, and your seal before the modification.

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Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-5677
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division