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Adult guardianship system

Updated: December 19, 2018

What is the adult guardianship system?

This is a system that provides legal support to persons with insufficient judgment ability due to dementia, intellectual disability, or mental disability by selecting a helper who protects the rights of the person. there is one

  • The statutory guardianship system is used when the person's judgment ability is insufficient, and it is divided into three categories: "assistance", "assistance" and "guardianship" according to the degree of judgment ability. This is a system in which adult guardians, curators, and assistants selected by the family court support the individual by utilizing the power of representation, consent, and cancellation while considering the interests of the individual.
  • Voluntary guardianship system is a system in which a guardian is selected in advance while the person has sufficient decision-making ability, in preparation for future deterioration of decision-making ability, and a notarial deed contract is signed to give the person authority to act as a proxy for medical care, property management, etc. Thing.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Ministry of Justice "Adult Guardianship System" page (external link)

Consultation pertaining to adult guardianship system in general

Inagi City Social Welfare Council Welfare Rights Protection Center Anshin Inagi Postal code 206-0804
7 Hyakumura, Inagi City (Inagi City Welfare Center 2F)
Phone: 042-378-5459 (dedicated phone) Fax: 042-378-4999

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Page (external link) of Inagi-shi Council of Social Welfare "welfare advocacy center relief, Inagi"

Guidance on adult guardianship procedures

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Guardian Site (Tokyo Family Court)

Citizen guardian training

At the Tama Nanbu Adult Guardianship Center, which is jointly operated by Inagi City and four neighboring cities (Chofu City, Hino City, Komae City, and Tama City), there is a “Citizen Guardian (Social Contribution)” responsible for adult guardianship for non-professionals such as lawyers and relatives. We are training candidates for “Kata Guardian”.
We are recruiting from December to January of the following year, so if you are interested, please apply.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Life Welfare Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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