Notification and Application Based on the Act on Promotion of Public Land Expansion (Public Land Expansion Act)

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Page ID 1009105 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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The Public Acquisition Law is a method to make it easier for local governments to acquire land necessary for public purposes.


Due to a partial amendment of the Agricultural Land Act, if a request for the purchase of production green land is submitted after September 19, 2024, the following operations will apply.
After submitting the request for the purchase of production green land, if there is a notification stating that the land will not be purchased, the notification is not required for one year from the day following the notification.
Additionally, regarding the request, even after the partial amendment of the Agricultural Land Act, it can be submitted at any time after the request for the purchase of production green land has been submitted.
For details, please check the attached materials below.

About the Notification System (Article 4 of the Law)

If you intend to transfer land of a certain area for a fee, notification is required.
Area where the land is located Area Requiring Notification
Urbanization Area
Area Requiring Notification
Urbanization Control Area
Land located within the area of urban planning facilities (such as urban planning roads) 200 square meters or more 200 square meters or more
Land in the road area under Article 18 of the Road Act 200 square meters or more 200 square meters or more
Land designated for parks under Article 33 of the City Park Act 200 square meters or more 200 square meters or more
Land for river planned areas under Article 56 of the River Act 200 square meters or more 200 square meters or more
Production Green Space District Land 200 square meters or more
Land other than the above More than 5,000 square meters No Notification Required

Since August 2006, it has become unnecessary to submit notifications for those not located within urban planning facilities in the urbanization control area.
In case of notification, please submit the "Land Transfer Notification Form."

About the Request System (Article 5 of the Law)

You can request the purchase of land from local public organizations.
District where the land is located Area Requiring Notification
Urbanization Area 100 square meters or more
Urbanization Control Area 200 square meters or more

Please submit the "Land Purchase Request Form" in case of a request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Restrictions on the Transfer of Notifications and Applications

  • The transfer restriction period is within three weeks from the submission of the notification or application, until there is a notification from the city stating that it will not purchase.
  • After submitting the notification or request, if there is a notification of purchase intention from the city, there will be an additional transfer restriction period of 3 weeks from the date of notification.
  • In unavoidable circumstances, a transfer contract with a condition that "the paid transfer becomes valid if the purchase negotiations fail" is possible.
    However, a transfer contract with a condition that "the paid transfer becomes invalid if the purchase negotiations are successful" is invalid.

Cases Requiring Notification

If the area of the land is 200 square meters or more, and a small part of that land is affected by urban planning roads, a notification is required.

Cases Where Notification is Not Required

  • Land transactions within the area of the ongoing Land Readjustment Project do not require notification. (This is because public land is generated from reductions or exchanges of land.)
  • In the production green zone, land that has received permission under Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Agricultural Land Act does not require notification.

Submitted Documents

Please submit the following documents in two copies to the Community Development Planning Division (3rd floor of City Hall). There may be times when the person in charge is not available, so please contact us before coming.

  1. Notification (Application) Form
  2. Location Map (Map at a scale of approximately 1:25,000)
  3. Surrounding Situation Map (Residential Area, approximately 1:2,000 scale map)
  4. Public Map

The format of the power of attorney is optional.
As of January 1, 2021, stamping is no longer required for the notification and application forms under the Public Expansion Act.


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Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Planning Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Planning Division