Inagi City and Nozawa Onsen Village in Nagano Prefecture have concluded a Friendship City agreement.
Inagi City signed a Friendship City agreement with Nozawa Onsen Village in Nagano Prefecture on November 17, 2015, deepening exchanges through experiences such as overnight learning at municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools.
In the future, we would like to promote a wide range of exchanges among residents based on this agreement and deepen our friendship further.

Overview of the Signing Ceremony
- Date and Time: November 17, 2015 (Tuesday) at 2:00 PM
- Location: Inagi City, Community Promotion Plaza, 4th Floor Large Conference Room
- Attendees
- Nozawa Onsen Village
Village Mayor, Deputy Village Mayor, General Affairs Section Chief, General Affairs Section General Affairs Assistant Chief, General Affairs Section Information and Statistics Assistant Chief - <Inagi City>
Mayor, Chairperson of the Inagi City Council, Vice Chairperson of the Inagi City Council, Chairperson of the General Affairs Committee of the Inagi City Council, Chairperson of the Welfare and Education Committee of the Inagi City Council, Chairperson of the Construction and Environment Committee of the Inagi City Council, Chairperson of the Council Steering Committee of the Inagi City Council, Vice Mayor, Superintendent, 7 members of the Inagi City Friendship City Partnership Review Citizens' Meeting
- Nozawa Onsen Village
Contents of the Agreement
Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Prefecture, Inagi City, Tokyo
Friendship City Agreement
Nozawa Onsen Village in Nagano Prefecture and Inagi City in Tokyo signed the "Gather Together Inagi Kids! Nozawa Onsen School" on November 9, 2005, and have since started exchanges in the field of education, such as accommodation experience learning at Inagi City Public Elementary and Junior High Schools, as well as mutual support agreements during disasters and other areas.
Through this exchange, we aim to continue to cherish the friendship that has blossomed between the residents of both municipalities and to assist each other's development by concluding a Friendship City agreement.
November 17, 2015
Nozawa Onsen Village, Nagano Prefecture
Toshio Tomii
Mayor of Inagi City
Katsuhiro Takahashi
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