Inagi's Year-Round Events Winter From December to February

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Page ID 1003652 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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We will introduce the main events from December to February.
Note: For the latest information, please refer to the latest issue of the Inagi Newsletter and the Lifelong Learning newsletter "Hiroba", or contact the respective inquiry points.

From mid-November to January of the following year

Illuminations will be lit in various areas of the city. Please come and see them.

Inagi Station Front - Shiroyama Park Illumination

Photo: Camphor tree in the south rotary of Inagi Station
Camphor tree in the southern rotary of Inagi Station
  • Period: Usually from early December to early January
  • Time: From 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM
  • Location: Camphor tree in the rotary on the south side of Inagi Station, Fine Tower in Shiroyama Park
  • Inquiries Urban Environment Management Department Greenery and Environment Division

Wakabadai Station Front Illumination

Photo: Wakabadai Station Front Illumination

  • Period: Usually from mid-November to early January
  • Time: From 4:30 PM to 11:00 PM
  • Inquiry Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division

Yanokuchi Station Front Illumination

Photo: Yanokuchi Station Front Illumination

  • Period: Usually from December to January
  • Time: From 4:30 PM to around 12:00 AM
  • Inquiry Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division

Hirao Danchi Shopping Association Square Illumination

Photo: Hirao Danchi Shopping Association Square Illumination

  • Period: Usually from November to the end of January
  • Time: From 4:30 PM to 10:00 PM
  • Inquiries Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Economic Affairs Section

Third Wednesday of December

Year-end Citywide Crime Prevention Patrol

Photo: Year-end citywide crime prevention patrol
Starting point for crime prevention patrols at the south exit of Yanokuchi Station

During the year-end when various crimes frequently occur, the Inagi City Safety and Security Community Development Promotion Council, with the cooperation of crime prevention volunteer organizations, is conducting a citywide crime prevention patrol designated as a special year-end vigilance patrol.

  • Organizer: Inagi City Safety and Security Community Development Promotion Council
  • Inquiries General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contracts Division

Second Sunday of January

Fire Department New Year Ceremony

Photo: A scene of simultaneous water discharge at the fire department's New Year ceremony

To protect the lives, bodies, and property of citizens and to aim for a bright town without disasters, we will conduct parades and demonstrations of simultaneous water discharge by the fire station and eight branches.

Inquiries - Inagi City Fire Department Fire General Affairs Division

Coming of Age Day in January

Coming of Age Ceremony

Photo: New Adults

Every year, a committee of new adults plans and manages the Coming of Age Ceremony. To all of you who are becoming adults, please join us.

  • Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Venue: Yomiuri Land Nittere Ranran Hall
  • Inquiries - Department of Education Lifelong Learning Division

Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays in early January

Sai no Kami

Photo: Sai no Kami Event
Sai no Kami (Sakahama District)

The flames from burning New Year's decorations carry wishes for good health and safety, and this event is held in various districts throughout the city. In the Sakahama district (photo), a 15-meter tall structure made of 120 bamboo poles is built every year. So many people visit the venue that the 650 rice dumplings held up to the flames are not enough.

  • Venue: Various districts within the city
  • Contact: Child Welfare Department Children and Youth Division

Late January

Citizen Road Race Tournament

Photo: Scene of the Citizens' Road Race Competition

A special course will be held in Central Park for parents and children, as well as for elementary and middle school students. Over 1,000 participants have successfully completed the race (participants will be recruited from November to December of the previous year).
Additionally, the Inagi Green Road Race (5 kilometers and 10 kilometers) for the general public, which will be held on the same day, is organized by the Tokyo Verdy Green Road Race Executive Committee.

  • Venue: Around the General Ground
  • Inquiries Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Sports Promotion Section


International Understanding Program Let's Communicate, We are One Earth Family

Photo: Scene of the International Understanding Program

People from various countries gather to deepen their friendship and learn about the cultures and lifestyles of the world through speech presentations, exchange meetings, and meals (participants are recruited in December of the previous year).

  • Venue: Shiroyama Cultural Center
  • Organizer: Inagi International Exchange Association, Inagi City
  • Inquiry Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division

Saturday or Sunday in late February or early March

Inagi Women's and Men's Forum

Photo: Scene of the Inagi Women's and Men's Forum

This forum is organized and operated by the Citizens' Executive Committee, focusing on issues related to women and gender lifestyles, and features lectures and other activities to convey numerous messages to the public.

  • Venue: Community Promotion Plaza
  • Inquiry Department of Industry, Culture, and Sports Citizen Collaboration Division

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Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division