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Our Town Inagi 2023 Mr. Shunsuke Nomura

Updated: May 15, 2023

Won the Classical Ballet International Competition Preliminary (Senior Category)! 2nd place in the national ballet competition (junior high school boy division)!

At the NBA All-Japan Ballet Competition (junior high school boy division) held in Tokorozawa City in January, Shunsuke Nomura (then third grader at Inagi Daisan Junior High School) won second place.
After that, Nomura won the Youth America Grand Prix 2023 Dallas Classic (15 to 19 years old senior division), the world's largest ballet competition held in the United States from February 2nd to 5th. Qualified for the final round.
When I asked Mr. Nomura how he felt about the competition, he looked back, saying, "I was able to challenge the competition by believing in the skills that I had accumulated so that I would not lose sight of my own dance no matter how wonderful the dancers were."

Study abroad aiming for further heights

Nomura started ballet at the age of 4 when she followed her two older sisters to a ballet studio.
Currently, Ms. Nomura is studying at The Dallas Conservatory in the United States (a selective ballet school aimed at becoming a professional ballet dancer). He decided to study abroad after winning the JAPAN BALLET COMPETITION in October of his second year of junior high school and receiving an annual full scholarship from The Dallas Conservatory (exemption of tuition and living expenses). is.
When asked about the rewards of studying abroad, she said, "I've been able to appear in performances more times than when I was in Japan, so it's fun to learn and play various roles." After lessons, I go to the gym in the school almost every day, and there are many practice environments that I can not experience in Japan, and I am spending a fulfilling day.

Aiming for the ideal dancer

When asked about her goals for the future, Mr. Nomura, who practices hard every day, said, "I want to become a dancer who can please the audience who see my dance. And my ultimate goal is to become a professional ballet dancer." He said powerfully. Also, when asked about her enthusiasm for the finals, she said, "I'm grateful to the teachers who gave me this opportunity and to the people involved, and I'll dance so that it will be a wonderful stage." Nomura, who studied abroad and spends his days immersed in ballet. I'm looking forward to his future activities.

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